A set of notes about learning Python.
- Version 4 of the interface for Mallet.
- A classroom presentation on topic modelling, mallet, etc.
- A simple visualization of innaugural speeches.
Version 2 of our Digital Hinman Collator.
A set of links to commonly used resources for the Spenser project.
Full listings of our volume 1 texts, formatted like the advisory board files.
Matt Erlin's presentation slides from the 2012 symposium "Distant Readings/Descriptive Turns."
The final version of the advisory board texts for the Spenser project.
HDW Resources
The official Humanities Digital Workshop website.
- A demo of an early version of the Apollonius prototype.
- The Bizet catalog.
- The now obsolete "Super Linker".
- Robomegan.
- A tool for analyzing Shepheardes Calendar stemmatics.
- Perry's XML editor in a browser.
- A test version of a badly named web-based system for annotating TEI files. This version does 3 test files, and is not hooked into SVN.
- An authentication system for talus's web-based systems. Right now, it's used only by yearlySpud.
- A presentation on the Muncie Library data. ppt and pdf.
- Files for MALLET workshop with David Mimno, March 2, 2012:
- The One-Page Bible.
- Visualizing similarities in sonnet collections.
- A sample corpus for topic modeling.
- An easy to find link to the online Mallet interface.
- My To-Do List
- Various mockups of different ways of handling notes in an online text: displaying the note inline; or along the side of the text; or on top of the text; or (what's the point of this?).
- A set of notes on the structure of TEI documents.
- The summer '10 presentation on making web sites.
- The crib sheet for the first "how to" brown bag.
- A treemap viewer for Wordnet-categorized nouns from Shakespeare's sonnets.
- And a tag cloud viewer with basically the same information.
- The Tools Presentation for the January '10 Spenser meeting.
- A set of visualizations demonstrating Mallet topic models for a number of sets of texts.
- The winter 2010 visualization presentation (Broken links).
- The index page for the visualization presentation from the summer of 2009.
- Network graph example for the Summer Workshop XML exercise (i.e., the Columbia Encyclopedia entries).
Project Pages
- Web resources for the summer-fall 2016 Muncie project.
- Version 2 of the interface for Mallet.
- Highlighted passages (from December 10, 2012) showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics.
- A second version (from February 1, 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics.
- A third version (from August 8, 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics (50 topics total, topics 0, 2 and 20 hilighted).
- A fourth version (from October, 11 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics (50 topics total, topics 0, 2 and 20 highlighted), with separate index page sections for each of the 3 highlighted topics.
- A perhaps obsolete version (from February 1, 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics.
- Another stab at MDS visualizations for topic modeling results.
- Highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "love" topics.
- Graphs for love topics using a couple of different measurements.
- The most recent version of the German Novel Tagger, which contains the full set of 114 novels with part of speech tagging.
- The original version of the tagger, except this one contains many few novels, no part of speech tagging, and uses a hand-built ontology and by-hand tagging.
- A third version of the tagger, which contains just three novels. I don't think it's being used, and seem to recall that it was created for a seminar taught by Professor Erlin a year or so ago.
- A collapsable tree tag viewer, which we used to navigated the ontology data associated with our 114 novel dataset.
- Marked novels for the Feb 2011 merlin presentation. Topic 1 and Topic 3.
- A selection of passages for "topic 1" and for "topic 3" (these were outputs from a bit of topic modelling we did for merlin in Feb 2011).
- More visualizations of German novels. At present, it's just a couple of self-organizing maps shaped around a very early set of data for the luxury problem.
- A collapsible tree viewer for the germanet data (nouns only).
- 7/26/10 data extracts from the German novel database.
- A tool for viewing tagging results from Professor Erlin's project.
- A tag cloud visualization from the body parts phase of the project.
- Another tag cloud visualization from the same timeframe.
- The summer 2011 introduction to Mallet and python.
- The summer 2011 interface for Mallet. THIS VERSION IS NOW OBSOLETE. The link is maintained so we can access outputs dating from when this version was active. For the current version, go here.
- HTML versions of the full collection of novels with the umlauts, etc fixed.
- A trial version of self-organizing maps for the full set umlaut fixed run of topic modeling.
- A page collecting all of our spring, 2016 results.
- A page collecting all of our fall, 2015 results.
- A page of links pulling together sparklines, etc.
- Age-gender bubble plots for authors and titles, intended as a replacement for market basket analysis of the Muncie library data. And similar visualizations for the 1876 books, plus a few German authors: authors and titles
- A page for browsing a list of the most salable books as reported by Publisher's Weekly in 1876.
- A page for browsing Muncie Library transaction data on three German novels by E. Marlitt.
- A set of files for reference during the 2012 summer workshop.
- Another set of topic modeling results for the 1876 novels.
- Exploring multiple copies of Old Mam'selle's Secret
- A more sensible version of the novel distance viewer, loaded with the 500 topic outputs
- Interfaces for exploring the Muncie census data.
- An RDF-based data collection tool for exploring the history of nineteenth and early twentieth century English translations of popular German novels.
- Collection of documents for the project.
- A set of black & white images
- Results from the first set of experiments in topic modelling.
- The name-matching application, and the NEW web front-end for the database containing information about federal appointments. If you're doing work on federal appointments, use this link.
- The OLD web front-end for the database containing information about federal appointments. The old system is down, so this link is broken. I'm keeping it here for now, in case we need to go back to it.
- A page showing the effectiveness of OCR for transcribing Heitmann (name headwords only).
- Another page showing the effectiveness of OCR for transcribing Heitmann (complete entries).
- A web page showing an html version of the Congressional Biographical data, suitable for loading into our database.
- A first stab a network graphs for the Federal Govt project.
- A very large zipped file containing historically accurate GIS shape files for the United States.
- A list of people who were nominated more than one time.
- The prototype Bizet catalog (password protected).
- The original documents used in preparing the catalog (also password protected).
- The final set of highlighted html demonstrating named-entity recognition in the full batch of court records.
- A final set of highlighted html demonstrating named-entity recognition in the full set of court records.
- A second pass at visualizing the relationships embedded in the court records.
- A first stab at visualizing the relationships embedded in the court records.
- A set of highlighted html demonstrating named-entity recognition in a second batch of court records.
- And another set from summer, 2011.
- And the third set from the summer of 2011.
- A database front-end for maintaining the 'live' production data
- The last version of the interface.
- A web site for serving static content.
- A strawman prototype prepared as an exhibit for the first wustl-Brookings meeting.
- A launcher page for viewing the original Materials Sustainability Study matrix using the gigapixel viewer.
- A second version of the strawman interface, except that this one uses the 'live' production data.
- Spenser Quick Links.
- PDF's containing images of collation worksheets.
- Fall 2012 Collation Images:
- Full listings of our volume 1 texts, formatted like the advisory board files.
- The final version of the advisory board texts.
- greenleaf, an online tool for locating hyper-metrical lines in the 1590 Faerie Queene.
- A collection of secondary documents from a class in the Renaissance Epic. I'm not quite sure when or where the class was held.
- The timeline for the states of Spenser's Works.
- The prototype website for Brittain's Ida.
- The XML for Brittain's Ida.
- Mockup pages for a tool for crowd sourced proofreading for the Spenser project.
- Pages showing the differences in italics between our FQ XML and the FQ HTML prepared by the 'Bama workshop participants in the summer of '09:
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
- The Yamashita PDF's for the Spenser project.
- Web pages useful for resolving differences between the old and new SC collations.
- The tag cloud demo, a first pass at bringing some sort of visual order to Van Der Noot's use of secon dary sources in The Theatre.
- Web pages for the winter '08 NEH grant for the Spenser project. The "real" versions are h osted on hdwdev.
- Images of the 1596 FQ (Volume II), in case someone needs them again.
- Images of the 1579 SC.
- Images of the 1581 SC.
- Images of the 1597 SC.
- Images of the collator in action.
- The diff listing for Brittain's Ida, comparing the EEBO transcription with a Google Books transcription of a 19th century edition.
- A web-diff prototype, which we've considered using for the Veue.
- A comparison of two transcripts of the Veue, although not done using the methods from the web-diff prototype.
- Source materials for working with Veue transcriptions, including manuscript images.
- An early set of comparisons of the results of image registration using Matlab.
- Web pages for crowd-sourced proofreading.
- The "Super-linker", a tool for creating links between two texts.
- The "Super Linker Reader", a mockup of the tool that uses super-linker links in a reading interface.
- A prototype interface for entering glosses into a centralized database.
- A prototype interface for a digital collation process.
- DRAFT advisory board texts. SC, TVW, and FQ.
- A second set of DRAFT advisory board texts. SC, FQ, and Letters.
- A set of sample texts demonstrating line numbering for the volume one texts.
- The encomia network viewer And a prettier version of the same.
- Materials for looking the publication of romances between 1600 and 1700.
- A set of notes for a presentation of the encomia project.
- The current windowed Apollonius prototype, with all eight books online.
- The first versions of the Apollonius prototypes.
- The gigapixel viewer, a java applet for viewing very large collections of images.
- A very early version of the RCLGA web site. We keep it around mostly as a reference in case we every need to implement an XTF-based site.
- A page with CSS mods we did for Giore.
- The alpha prototype for a new verb player (Firefox only).