
A set of notes about learning Python.
Version 2 of our Digital Hinman Collator.
Full listings of our volume 1 texts, formatted like the advisory board files.
  • Steve's slides from a presentation given at Ball State University on April 18, 2012.
  • A website titled Reading What Middletown Read, which presents a first pass at our efforts to understand the Muncie Public Libray data from What Middletown Read.
  • Matt Erlin's presentation slides from the 2012 symposium "Distant Readings/Descriptive Turns."
    The final version of the advisory board texts for the Spenser project.

    HDW Resources

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    Project Pages

    • Version 2 of the interface for Mallet.
    • Highlighted passages (from December 10, 2012) showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics.
    • A second version (from February 1, 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics.
    • A third version (from August 8, 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics (50 topics total, topics 0, 2 and 20 hilighted).
    • A fourth version (from October, 11 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics (50 topics total, topics 0, 2 and 20 highlighted), with separate index page sections for each of the 3 highlighted topics.
    • A perhaps obsolete version (from February 1, 2013) of the highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "enlightenment" topics.
    • Another stab at MDS visualizations for topic modeling results.
    • Highlighted passages showing "chunks" of texts with a high percentage of "love" topics.
    • Graphs for love topics using a couple of different measurements.
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    • The most recent version of the German Novel Tagger, which contains the full set of 114 novels with part of speech tagging.
    • The original version of the tagger, except this one contains many few novels, no part of speech tagging, and uses a hand-built ontology and by-hand tagging.
    • A third version of the tagger, which contains just three novels. I don't think it's being used, and seem to recall that it was created for a seminar taught by Professor Erlin a year or so ago.
    • A collapsable tree tag viewer, which we used to navigated the ontology data associated with our 114 novel dataset.
    • Marked novels for the Feb 2011 merlin presentation. Topic 1 and Topic 3.
    • A selection of passages for "topic 1" and for "topic 3" (these were outputs from a bit of topic modelling we did for merlin in Feb 2011).
    • More visualizations of German novels. At present, it's just a couple of self-organizing maps shaped around a very early set of data for the luxury problem.
    • A collapsible tree viewer for the germanet data (nouns only).
    • 7/26/10 data extracts from the German novel database.
    • A tool for viewing tagging results from Professor Erlin's project.
    • A tag cloud visualization from the body parts phase of the project.
    • Another tag cloud visualization from the same timeframe.
    • The summer 2011 introduction to Mallet and python.
    • The summer 2011 interface for Mallet. THIS VERSION IS NOW OBSOLETE. The link is maintained so we can access outputs dating from when this version was active. For the current version, go here.
    • HTML versions of the full collection of novels with the umlauts, etc fixed.
    • A trial version of self-organizing maps for the full set umlaut fixed run of topic modeling.
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    • The OLD web front-end for the database containing information about federal appointments. The old system is down, so this link is broken. I'm keeping it here for now, in case we need to go back to it.
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    • The Science Cooridor tool, version 0.1.