MOST Honourable and bountifull Ladie, there bee long sithens deepe
sowed in
my brest, the seede of most entire
&and humble
vntounto that most
brauebrave Knight your noble brother
deceased; which taking
roote began in
his life time somewhat to bud forth: and to
thẽseluesthẽ- selvesthemseluesthemselves to him, as then in the
weakenes of their first spring: And would in
their riper strength (had it pleased high God till then to drawe
his daies) spired forth fruit of more
perfection. But since God hath
disdeigned the
world of that most noble Spirit, which was the hope
of all learned men, and the Patron of my young
Muses; togeather with
him both their hope of anie further fruit was cut off: and also
tender delight of those their first blossoms nipped and quite dead.
Yet sithens my late cumming into
England, some frends of mine (which
might much
preuaileprevaile with me, and indeede
me) knowing with
howe straight bandes of duetie I was tied to
him: as also bound
vntounto that noble house,
(of which the chiefe hope then rested in him)
hauehave sought to
reuiuerevive them by
me: for that I
not shewed
anie thankefull remembrance
towards him or any of
thẽthem; but suffer
their names to sleep in silence and forgetfulnesse.
VVhomeWhome chieflie
satisfie, or els to
auoideavoide that fowle
blot of
vnthankefulnesse,unthankefulnesse, I
this small Poeme, intituled by a generall name of the
worlds Ruines: yet speciallie
intended to the renowming of that noble
race, from
which both you and he sprong, and to the eternizing of some
of the chiefe of them
late deceased. The which
I dedicate
vntounto your
La. as whome it most
speciallie concerneth: and to whome I
my selfe bounden,
by manie singular
&and great graces. I pray
for your Honourable happinesse:
&and so humblie
kisse your haudes.