brauebrave and bountifull La: for so excellent
fauoursfavours as I
receiuedreceived at your sweet handes, to offer
these fewe
leauesleaves as in recompence,
should be as to offer flowers to the Gods for their
diuinedivine benefites.
Therefore I
hauehave determined to
giuegive my
selfe wholy to you, as quite
abandoned from my selfe, and absolutely vowed to your
seruicesservices: which
in all right is
euerever held for full recompence of debt or
damage to
hauehave the person yeelded. My person I wot wel how little worth it is.
But the faithfull minde
humble zeale which I beare
vntounto your La:
perhaps be more of price, as may please you to account and
vseuse the poore
thereof; which taketh glory to
aduanceadvance your excellent
partes and noble vertues, and to spend it selfe in
honouring you: not
so much for your great bounty to my self,
which yet may not be
nor for name or kindreds sake by you vouchsafed, beeing also
as for that honorable name, which yee
hauehave by your
deserts purchast
to your self,
&and spred in the mouths of al
vvhichwhich I
hauehave also presumed to grace my verses,
your name to
cõmendcommend to
vvorldworld this smal Poëme, the
vvhichwhich beseeching your La: to take in
vvorthworth, and of all things therein according to your
vvontedwonted graciousnes
to make a
milde construction, I humbly pray for your happines.