The Legend of Cambel and Telamond,
THeThe rugged forhead that with grauegrave foresight
Welds kingdomes causes, &and affaires of state,
My looser rimes (I wote) doth sharply wite,
For praising louelove, as I hauehave done of late,
And magnifying louerslovers deare debate;
By which fraile youth is oft to follie led,
Through false allurement of that pleasing baite,
That better were in vertues discipled,
1596.bk4.IV.proem.1.9. Then: ThanThenThan with vaine poemes weeds to hauehave their fancies fed.
Such ones ill iudgejudge of louelove, that cannot louelove,
Ne in their frosen hearts feele kindly flame:
For thy they ought not thing vnknowneunknowne
Ne naturall affection faultlesse blame,
For fault of few that hauehave abusd the same.
For it of honor and all vertue is
The roote, and brings forth glorious flowres of fame,
That crowne true louerslovers with immortall blis,
The meed of them that louelove, and do not liuelive amisse.
Which who so list looke backe to former ages,
And call to count the things that then were donne,
Shall find, that all the workes of those wise sages,
And brauebrave exploits which great Heroes wonne,
In louelove were either ended or begunne:
Witnesse the father of Philosophie,
Which to his Critias, shaded oft from sunne,
Of louelove full manie lessons did apply,
The which these Stoicke censours cannot well deny.
To such therefore I do not sing at all,
But to that sacred Saint my soueraignesoveraigne Queene,
In whose chast breast all bountie naturall,
And treasures of true louelove enlocked beene,
BoueBove all her sexe that euerever yet was seene;
To her I sing of louelove, that louethloveth best,
And best is lou’dlov’d of all aliuealive I weene:
To her this song most fitly is addrest,
The Queene of louelove, &and Prince of peace frõfrom
heauenheaven blest.
Which that she may the better deigne to heare,
Do thou dred infant, Venus dearling douedove,
From her high spirit chase imperious feare,
And vseuse of awfull MaiestieMajestie
In sted thereof with drops of melting louelove,
Deawd with ambrosiall kisses, by thee gotten
From thy sweete smyling mother from aboueabove,
Sprinckle her heart, and haughtie courage soften,
That she may hearke to louelove, and reade this lesson often.