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Faults escaped in the Print.
Glorius glorîous Page 3. Hardy dele Page 6. ebbe t’auale spring to auale 9. euery euer 14. sighes sights 15, steps stead 19. stands fencelesse stand sencelesse 23. cruelties cruell spies 24. that mounted y mounted 27. tuefull ruefull 28. Then thens 30. Then Thens 30. brighten brightnes 32. The that 43. care case 46. course corse 51. pelpe pelf 52. first fifte 54. of new of my new 57. hurls hurld 60. let leke 70. clifts cliffs 71. sire fire ibid. renowned renowmed 72. the that 74. it in 75. swifte and cruell fiers and fell 85. steeld steele 98. seene seeme 99. chanst chauft 100. come ronne 101. hand hands 102. that the 104. wist wise 106. murmuring murmur ring 107. sie fye 116. hands bands 119. that the 121. Cleons Timons ibid. at on 122. this his 124. clifts cliffs 129. life imited life is limited 130. be her 139. piteous pretious 150. fame frame 151. it at 155. this his 156. feared scared ib. all as 158. it one 163. talents talants 174. vntayne contayne 175. stayd strayd 180. to t’ibid faine vaine ibid. wo who ibid. Amarons Amazon 186. these thrise 196. place to place 206. make makes 213. First Fast 215. ronght raught 219. vnto greatly 224. did were 226. no not 234. tongue tonge 235. Pyrrhocles Pyrochles 243. embayling emboyling 250. Netmus Nemus 254. man, saw man saw, 270. Hammon Mammon 280. the that 283. the th’ 287. same his cruell 297. pagons Pagans 299. doubly double 300. empieste empierst 303. Horrow harrow ibid. with bowing bowing 306. incedent indecent 307. crownd crowned 312. lenger a time lenger time 313. Dyapase diapase 313. lastery Castory 318. welis well is 322. whom who 326. and thy great and great ibid. gold old ibid. Seuith Scuith 332. her their ibid. Britom Britayne 356. reuiue suruiue ibid. his this 359. this that 362. did doe 363. weiting wayting 364. Materastaes Malecastaes 391. shard mard 399. Not nor 422. Then Them 424. from thearth from of the earth 438. Shee Hee 440. made Wade 466. shee hee stuned stund 500. were nere ibid. right right hand 502. fuccour succour 588. He shc ibid. him her ibid.
6. 57] this edn.; 50 1590;
6. clifts] this edn.; cliffts 1590;
14. 174] this edn.; 170 1590;
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The toggles above every page allow you to determine both the degree and the kind of editorial intervention present in the text as you read it. They control, as well, the display of secondary materials—collational notes, glosses, and links to commentary.

Textual Changes

The vagaries of early modern printing often required that lines or words be broken. Toggling Modern Lineation on will reunite divided words and set errant words in their lines.

Off: That a large share it hewd out of the rest, (blest. And glauncing downe his shield, from blame him fairely (FQ I.ii.18.8-9) On: That a large share it hewd out of the rest, And glauncing downe his shield, from blame him fairely blest.

Toggling Expansions on will undo certain early modern abbreviations.

Off: Sweet slõbring deaw, the which to sleep them biddes: (FQ I.i.36.4)

Toggling Modern Characters on will convert u, v, i, y, and vv to v, u, j, i, and w. (N.B. the editors have silently replaced ſ with s, expanded most ligatures, and adjusted spacing according contemporary norms.)

Off: And all the world in their subiection held, Till that infernall feend with foule vprore (FQ I.i.5.6-7) On: And all the world in their subjection held, Till that infernall feend with foule uprore

Toggling Lexical Modernizations on will conform certain words to contemporary orthographic standards.

Off: But wander too and fro in waies vnknowne (FQ I.i.10.5) On: But wander to and fro in waies vnknowne.

Toggling Emendations on will correct obvious errors in the edition on which we base our text and modernize its most unfamiliar features.

Most lothsom, filthie, foule, and full of vile disdaine (FQ I.i.14.9) 14.9. Most lothsom] this edn.; Mostlothsom 1590

(The text of 1590 reads Mostlothsom, while the editors’ emendation reads Most lothsom.)


Toggling Collation Notes on will highlight words that differ among printings.

And shall thee well rewarde to shew the place, (FQ I.i.31.5) 5. thee] 1590; you 15961609

(The text of 1590 reads thee, while the texts of 1596 and 1609 read you.)

Toggling Commentary Links on will show links to the editors’ commentary.

Toggling Line Numbers on will show the number of the line within each stanza.

Toggling Stanza Numbers on will show the number of the stanza within each canto.

Toggling Glosses on will show the definitions of unfamiliar words or phrases.

To my long approoved and singular good frende, Master G.H. (Letters I.1) 1. long aprooved: tried and true, found trustworthy over a long period