La Jolie Fille de Perth
opéra en 4 actes
The contents of the opera are here set out on the basis of the first printed vocal score. The autograph has been heavily revised, and the posthumous vocal scores and the printed full scores deviate widely from the version as given here.
- Prélude -
- 1 Chœur et scène (Smith, Forgerons) 'Que notre enclume' -
- 1bis Récit (Smith, Mab) 'Enfin me voilà seul !' -
- 2 Couplets (Mab) 'Catherine est coquette' -
- 2bis Scène et récits (Smith, Mab, Catherine, Glover, Ralph) 'Elle viendrait ce soir !' -
- 3 Air (Catherine, Smith, Glover, Ralph) 'Vive l’hiver' -
- 3bis Récit (Glover, Ralph, Catherine) 'Ces plaisirs-là ne me vont pas' -
- 4 Duo (Catherine, Smith) 'Deux mots encor' -
- 5 Trio (Catherine, Smith, Le Duc, Mab) 'Ainsi, plus de jalousie' -
- 6 Quatuor (Catherine, Mab, Smith, Le Duc) 'Que fait ici cette inconnue' -
- 7 Chanson et scène finale (Catherine, Smith, Le Duc, Glover, Ralph, Mab) 'Vous voudriez bien, je pense' -
- 8 Marche et chœur (Glover, bourgeois) 'Bons citoyens' -
- 9 Chœur et récit (Le Duc, chœur général) 'Carnaval!' -
- 10 Chanson à boire (Le Duc, chœur d’hommes) 'Tout boit, amis' -
- 10bis Scène (Le Duc, chœur hommes) 'Mais qui vient vers nous ?' -
- 11 Danse bohémienne (chœur) 'La la la' -
- 11bis Scène (Le Duc, Mab) 'Je donne en mon palais' -
- 12 Couplets (Mab) 'Les seigneurs de la cour' -
- 12bis Reprise du chœur (Le Duc, Mab, chœur) 'Tu seras mon bon ange' -
- 13 Sérénade (Smith) 'Partout des cris de joie' -
- 13bis Récit (Un Ouvrier, Smith) 'Qui va là ?' -
- 14 Air (Ralph) 'Quand la flamme de l’amour' -
- 14bis Scène finale (Le Majordome, Ralph, Mab, Smith, Catherine) 'Eh ! camarade...' -
- 15 Entr’acte et scène (chœur, Un Seigneur, Le Duc) 'Nuit d’amour' -
- 16 Cavatine (Le Duc, chœur hommes) 'Elle sortait de sa demeure' -
- 16bis Scène (Le Duc, Un Seigneur, chœur hommes, Mab) 'Et tenez... écoutez...' -
- 17 Duo (Mab, Le Duc) 'Nous voilà seuls' -
- 18 Air (Smith) 'C’est donc ici' -
- 19 Final (Catherine, Smith, Un Seigneur, Le Duc, Glover, Le Majordome, chœur) 'Nuit d’amour' -
- 20 Duo et chœur (Smith, Ralph, artisans) 'Smith, tu nous connais tous' -
- 21 Duo (Catherine, Smith) 'Ils verront si je meurs!' -
- 22 Scène (Un Ouvrier, Catherine, Smith) 'Maître là-bas' -
- 23 Chœur de la St Valentin (chœur) 'Aux premiers rayons' -
- 23bis Scène (Mab, Glover, Catherine, chœur) 'Catherine Glover ?' -
- 24 Ballade (Catherine, chœur) 'Echo, viens sur l’air embaumé' -
- 25 Final (Catherine, Mab, Smith, Glover, chœur) 'Le jour de St Valentin' -
- Catherine Glover – soprano
- Mab – soprano
- Henri Smith – ténor
- Le Duc de Rothsay – baryton ou ténor
- Ralph – basse ou baryton
- Simon Glover – basse
- Le Majordome – basse
- Un Ouvrier – basse
- Un Seigneur – ténor
- Seigneurs, masques, forgerons, hommes et femmes du peuple
Libretto: Jules-Henry Vernoy, Marquis de Saint-Georges (1799–1875), prolific librettist in all genres, and Jules Adenis (1823–1900), after Sir Walter Scott's The Fair Maid of Perth (1828).
Composition: July–December 1866. Bizet signed a contract with Carvalho, director of the Théâtre-Lyrique, in July 1866. He set the libretto as it was delivered to him piecemeal by Saint-Georges and he delivered it complete to Carvalho on 29 December. Rehearsals were delayed. The role of Catherine Glover was intended for Christine Nilsson, but she withdrew when she was offered the part of Ophelia in Thomas's Hamlet, which opened at the Opéra in March 1868. A dress rehearsal took place on 10-9-1867 and the opening was announced for 24-9-1867, then several times postponed. It finally opened on 26-12-1867. After eighteen performances in the winter of 1867–68, Bizet revised the opera for performances in Brussels in April 1868. He rewrote four recitatives which served as replacements for nos. 1bis and 2, no. 3bis, part of no. 5, and a large section of no. 19, and these were incorporated in some of the posthumous vocal scores.
After his death, the libretto, the vocal score and the full score were issued in a number of different versions, with many cuts, additions and accretions.
Self-borrowing (from): No. 13, Sérénade, is from no. 8, also Sérénade, in Don Procopio. The melody at bar 28 of the Prélude was taken from the Duo in no. 1 of Ivan IV.
Self-borrowing (to): Bizet adapted four movements for orchestra as the Scènes bohémiennes.
F-Pn MS 440–43, gift of Reynaldo Hahn. The complete opera in four cahiers, separately bound. 30-stave paper throughout, 350 x 272 mm., except the Prélude and the first four pages of Acte IV, which are on 32-stave paper, 700 p.. Each number of the opera was originally written as a separate manuscript, with a heading at the top of the first page of music and its own pagination. This was revised, after intermediate repaginations, to continuous pagination for each act, and the division of numbers was altered to match that of the printed vocal score.
The manuscript shows considerable evidence of revision in the hands of Bizet and later editors, particularly in the last act. At the front of Cahier 2 is an autograph note: acte 2 / No 8 / Entracte-Marche / Copier les pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 et 11 jusqu’à la 1ère mesure incluse, puis passer aux 5 dernières mesures de la page 19. Se guider sur la partition piano et chant. A leaf in a later hand has been inserted in Cahier 4, showing a transposition of the first five bars of no. 23bis.
For a detailed study of this manuscript and of revisions made in the course of composition, see Wright, p. 267–331.
La Jolie Fille de Perth / opéra en 4 actes et 5 tableaux / Prélude | 1–8 |
La Jolie Fille de Perth /Acte I / No. 1 Introduction | 1–28 9–36 |
La Jolie Fille de Perth /Acte I / No. 2 Scène et Récit | 1–20, 33–34 37–60 |
[= no. 1bis, with part of no. 2bis]
No. 2, Couplets, is missing.
La Jolie Fille de Perth / Scène, Air et Récit (A. Scène) Suite du No. 2 | 1–47, 61–107, blank |
[= no. 2bis from bar 15, no. 3, no. 3bis]
B Air | 75 |
C Récit No. 3 Récit | 97 |
La Jolie Fille de Perth /Acte I / No 5 4 Duo | 1–48 108–24 |
La Jolie Fille de Perth /Acte I /No.6 Final / Trio, et Scène / (A. Trio) No 5 Trio | 1–84 125–207 |
B Quatuor No 6 Quatuor | 168 |
C Scène No. 7 Final | 181 |
Acte 2 / La jolie fille de Perth / No 7 Chœur et scène No 8 Chœur | 1–19, blank |
Acte 2 La jolie fille de Perth | |
No 8 Chœur, Récit, Chanson, Divertissement et Couplets | |
No 9 Chœur et récit (A. Chœur) | 1–107 20–126, blank |
B. Récit | 36 |
C Chanson à boire] No 10 Chanson à boire | 48 |
D Scène No 10bis Scène | 61 |
E Divertissement] No 11 Danse Bohémienne | 68 |
(F Récit) No 11bis récit | 88 |
(G Couplets) No 12 Couplets | 98 |
écit et Chœur] No. 12bis récit et chœur | 112 |
La jolie fille Acte 2 / No 8 Air et scène / (A. Air) No 13 Air | 1–27 127–157, blank |
B Scène] No. 13bis Scène | 152 |
Acte 2 La jolie fille de Perth / No. 9 Air et scène finale (A. Air) No 14 Air | 1–48 158–93 |
(B Scène finale) No. 14bis Scène finale | 174 |
Acte 3 No 10 Chœur, Cavatine et Scène No 15 Scène | 1–35, blank |
B. Cavatine No. 16 Cavatine | 15 |
C. Scène No 16bis Scène | 23 |
La Jolie Fille acte 3 No. 12 Duo /11 No 17 Duo | 1–23 36–58, blank |
La jolie fille Acte 3 No. 13 Air / 12 No 18 Air | 1–11 59–68, blank |
La Jolie fille acte 3 No. 13 final No 19 final | 1–90 69–148 |
La Jolie fille acte 4 (premier tableau) / No 14 20 / Duo et Chœur | 1–49 1–42, blank |
La Jolie fille / acte 4 (1er Tableau) / No 21 No 15 récit, duo et scène / A. Récit récit et duo | 1–39 43–81, bl. |
B. Duo | 53 |
(C. Scène) No 22 Scène | 71 |
La Jolie fille / Acte 4 2d Tableau / No 16 23 Chœur | 1–20 82–101 |
La jolie fille acte 4 2d tableau No 17 Scène et ballade / Scène / No 23bis Scène | 1–21 102–22, blank |
No 24 Ballade | 112 |
La Jolie fille acte 4 2d tableau No 18 25 Final | 1–47 123–47 |
Private collection. A folder containing four sections identified as Récit A, Récit B, Récit C and Récit D, as in the 1883 (and later) editions of the vocal score. Autograph full score.
Ier acte. Récit A. 26-stave paper, 13 p. numbered 37-49, the last page given as 49=60. Bars 1-57 of Récit A.
Ier acte. 3bis. Récit B. 18-stavepaper, 6 p. numbered 98-103, the last page given as 103=105. Bars 1-22 of Récit B. On the last page: Enchaînez avec les 6 mesures qui se trouvent avant le no. 4.
Ier Acte. Récit C. 18-stave paper, 4 p. numbered 125-128, the last page given as 128=133. Bars 1-19 of Récit C. On the last page: Enchaînez avec no. 5.
3e acte. Récit D. 16-stave paper, 15 p. numbered 76-90, the last page given as 90=100. On the last page: Enchaînez avec no. 19.
There appears to be no manuscript material in Brussels arising from the Monnaie performances in 1868. No doubt material was sent by Choudens and returned.
F-Rm. Wind parts, 1883, also Sur le théâtre: violons I, violons II, flûtes, hautbois, cornets à pistons I-II, trombone basse, triangle, harpe.
F-Pn Rés. Th.b.78. Acte III only, p. 44–57 (paginated 44–67), written by two copyists with copious annotations in Bizet’s hand. For details, see Wright, p. 238–52.
F-Pan F18 738. Manuscript libretto submitted to the censorship bureau on 26-8-1867. For details, see Wright, p. 252-62.
F-Pbh (Bibliothèque de l'Association de la régie théâtrale, J 9(I)). Manuscript mise-en-scène with stage plans and three décors signed ‘Le Maresquier’, probably from 1890 (no. 8 is cut). (See H. Robert Cohen and Marie-Odile Gigou, Cent ans de mise en scène lyrique en France (env. 1830-1930), New York, c. 1986.)
wrapper, title, Personnages, text 3–52
by 10-1-1868 (dépôt légal)
This lacks no. 2 (Couplets) and part of no. 15 (Chœur et scène).
Calmann-Lévy, 52 p., c. 1883. B-Br Faber 1.6443.
Calmann-Lévy, 50 p., 1888. Related to the proposed revival at the Opéra-Comique which did not take place. It contains spoken dialogues found in none of the vocal scores. Dialogue replaced nos. 1bis-2-2bis, 3bis, the récit in no. 5, and no. 19 up to ‘Qui moi !’. F-Po Liv 166, US-NYp JMB 90-42, US-Wc ML 50.B625J6.1881
A.C. 1523
wrapper ('THÉÂTRE IMPÉRIAL LYRIQUE'), title page, blank, dedication A Monsieur / Benoit-Champy / Président du tribunal-Civil de la Seine. / Georges Bizet, cast and index, music 1–285
January 1868
Bibliographie de la France, 15-2-1868
the arrangement is by Hector Salomon
F-Pn X.835 (inscribed 'À la reine des Bohémiennes [Alice Ducasse?] son ami Georges Bizet' )
US-CAe Mus 629.1.671.3 PHI (inscribed by Bizet, cropped off: '[...] zèle, et ton dévouement, je ne puis t’offrir qu’un exemplaire de ma Jolie fille... et ma meilleure affection. Georges Bizet')
Freemans Auction, Philadelphia, 19-10-2008 (
F-Pn D.3134
B-Br Mus. 3.842 B
E-Mn M/2008
US-CAe Mus 629.1.671.3
US-NYj (inscribed by Choudens to Pasdeloup)
US-Wc M1503.B625J6.1857
2 | 229 p., with a Quintette in Act IV. | |
3 | 229 p., with much of Act IV restored. | |
4 | 277 p., with Italian and German text and four new Récits. | |
5 | 244 p., with Rêverie as no. 3, and the Récits in a supplement. | |
6 | 277 p., with Italian and German text, the four Récits in place, and with the Rêverie as no. 3 (published by Sonzogno). | |
7 | 229 p., with Rêverie as no. 3, but no supplement. | |
8 | 260 p., with the Air restored as no. 3, the four Récits in place, and other revisions for the 1890 performances. | |
9 | 215 p., in German, with cuts in the last act (published by Simrock). |
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St Honoré, no pl. no., 229 p., before 1883, 'Edn nouvelle'. A formal publisher's note replaces the dedication. Because it retains the heading Chœur et scène for no. 15 and the key of A♭ for the Chœur de la St Valentin, it may be earlier than the other posthumous editions, but its version of Act IV is quite different from all other editions. US-CAe Mus 629.1.671.1.
This edition introduced the following revisions:
Act I | a) | The Prélude became no. 1 and the Chœur et scène (no. 1) became no. 2. |
b) | The Récits (no. 1bis) was omitted. | |
c) | The Couplets (no. 2) was omitted. | |
d) | The first 68 bars of Scène et Récits (no. 2bis) were cut. Bar 69 became the start of the Air du carnaval (no. 3). | |
e) | In the Air du carnaval (no. 3) bars 31-67 were cut and the parts for Smith, Glover and Ralph omitted. | |
f) | The Récit (no. 3bis) was omitted. | |
g) | The first 39 bars of the Trio (no. 5) were omitted. | |
h) | Bars 33-68 of Chanson et scène finale (no. 7) were reduced to eight bars unaccompanied and four bars of recitative. | |
Act II | i) | The Marche et chœur (no. 8) was omitted. |
j) | Bars 132-175 of the Chœur et récit (no. 9, now no. 8) were designated as Récit et scène (no. 9). | |
k) | The first 18 bars of Scène (no. 10bis) were cut and the remainder designated as Récit. | |
Act III | l) | Bars 21-52 and the last four bars of the Chœur et scène (no. 15) were cut. |
m) | The Cavatine (no. 16) was omitted. | |
n) | Bars 1-25 and 49-67 of the Scène (no. 16bis) were appended to the Chœur et scène (no. 15). Only the Duc sings in bars 11-14. | |
o) | The first 134 bars of the Final (no. 19) were cut. | |
Act IV | p) | The Chœur de la St Valentin (no. 23) was placed after no. 20 and designated no. 21. |
q) | The Duo (no. 21), with bars 103-110 cut, is designated Récits et Duo (no. 22). | |
r) | Bars 38-53 of the Scène (no. 22), now no. 23, are cut. | |
s) | This is followed by a 40-bar recitative and a Quintette based on music from La Coupe du Roi de Thulé. | |
t) | Nos. 23bis, 24, and the first 92 bars of no. 25 are omitted. | |
u) | Bars 93 to the end of no. 25 are designated Récit et chœur final (no. 24). |
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St Honoré, pl. no. A.C. 1523, 229 p. (actually 225, since p. 122 is numbered in ink '122-126'), 1883, 'Edn nouvelle'. Copies: F-Rm (2 copies), GB-Lbl F.119.w. (dated 1883 and inscribed Mlle Tiriker rôle de Catherine 1 Fevrier 1883, also Mr Barbe 2 Fevrier 83. The Table lists the contents of the previous 229-page edition, not this one).
This edition differed from the previous 229-page score in the following respects:
Act II | a) | Page 122 has been renumbered 122-126. |
Act III | b) | No. 15 is called Entr'acte et scène and bars 21-52 are cut and the chorus omitted in bars 53-67. |
Act IV | c) | The original order of Act IV is restored, except for the following: |
d) | Bars 103-110 of the Duo (no. 21) were cut. | |
e) | The Chœur de la St Valentin (no. 23) was transposed up to A major; bar 98 was cut. | |
f) | In the Scène (no. 23bis) the opening was modified to effect a return to the original key; bars 20-34 were cut; bar 38 was designated as the start of the Ballade (no. 24), with the chorus and bars 43-48 cut. | |
g) | Bars 1-57 and 65-86 of the Final (no. 25) are grouped as Scène (no. 24bis). | |
h) | Bar 93 of the Final (no. 25) became the start of the Chœur final (no. 25), with two bars added at bar 97. |
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St Honoré, pl. no. A.C. 5651, 277 p., 1883, in German (translated by Jules Hopp) and Italian (translated by A. Zanardini). In fact there are 270 p., since 32-35 and 152-156 are single pages. Some copies have six pages after p. 85 with bars 61-98 from no. 9 inserted at bar 119 of no. 7 with Italian text only, paginated 85(1)–85(6). Copies: F-Po 𝄞1511, CH-Bm, CH-Bps, D-B 6046, D-LEmh, D-Mbs, D-Mu, E-Vu, GB-Lbl F.119.h, I-Mc, US-BLl (a proof copy), US-CAe, US-LIu, US-NYp.
This edition differed from the previous 229-page score in the following respects:
Act I | a) | Récit A (98 bars) was inserted between nos. 2 and 3. |
b) | Récit B (28 bars) was inserted between nos. 3 and 4. | |
c) | Récit C (19 bars) was inserted between nos. 4 and 5. | |
Act II | d) | The Scène finale (no. 14bis) was now no. 15. |
Act III | e) | The Chœur et scène (no. 15) was now Intermezzo e scena (no. 16). |
f) | Récit D (55 bars) was inserted between nos. 18 and 19. |
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St Honoré, pl. no. A.C. 1523, 244 p. (actually 241, since p. 123 is numbered '123-127'), c. 1883, French text only. This gives the same version as the 277-page vocal score except that the Air (no. 3) has been replaced by Rêverie (119 bars), derived from the song Rêve de la bien-aimée, and Récits A, B, C and D have been removed to a supplement at the end of the score. No. 15 is now Entr'acte et scène. Copy: US-CAe HD Mus 629.1.671.5.
This edition was reissued by Choudens from later addresses.
Sonzogno, Milan, pl. no. A.C. 5651, 277 p., in German and Italian, as La bella fanciulla di Perth. This gives the same version as the 244-page score, except that the four Récits are in place. Copies: CH-Zz, GB-NWm, US-PHf.
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St Honoré, pl. no. A.C. 1523, 229 p. (actually 225, since p. 123 is numbered '123-127'), c. 1883. The publisher's note has been expanded to a full page. This is identical to the previous edition, except that it lacks the supplement containing Récits A, B, C and D. Copies: E-Mn (M/3993) (with pl. no A.C. 2795, from the piano arrangement of the Scènes bohémiennes, on the first page of music), GB-Ob (Mus. 22 d. 741 and one other), US-CAe (Lamont Mus 789 B62 71 7J7m) (inscribed 1886).
This edition was reissued by Choudens from later addresses (US-CAe Mus 789 B62 7).
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St Honoré, pl. no. A.C. 1523, 260 p., 1890. Choudens left that address in 1885, yet the 1890 Opéra-Comique cast (headed 'Théâtre Lyrique') is given on the Personnages page. There is no publisher's note. In some copies the plate no. of the Prélude is A.C. 2795 (from the piano arrangement of the Scènes bohémiennes) and on p. 96 (in the Danse bohémienne) the plate nos. A.C. 3275 and A.C. 2795 are found. In no. 23 the plate nos. are A.C. 9021 and A.C. 7409. Copy: US-BLl Mus M1503.B62.J71.
This edition was reissued from later addresses (US-CAe Mus 629.1.671.5).
This edition differed from the 277-page score in the following respects:
Act I | a) | The Rêverie is given in a supplement as an alternative to the Air (no. 3), along with a 29-bar lead-in as shown in the autograph in a private collection. |
Act II | b) | The Marche et chœur (no. 8) was restored, but with bars 73-107 cut. |
c) | The Sérénade (no. 13) is reduced to two couplets in 86 bars. | |
d) | The Récit (no. 13bis) was omitted. | |
Act III | e) | A Menuet-entr'acte was inserted at the start of the act, being the version of the Duo (no. 17) intended for the suite Scènes bohémiennes but actually included in the second suite from L'Arlésienne. |
f) | The first 14 bars of the Chœur et scène (no. 15) were cut; bar 119 was designated as the start of Récit et Cavatine (no. 16bis). | |
g) | The Cavatine (no. 16) was restored, without the chorus. | |
Act IV | h) | The first 37 bars of the Scène (no. 22) were reduced to 19 bars. |
Simrock, Berlin, 215 p., pl. no. 10035, c. 1890, edited by Max Kalbeck, in French and German. This matches the 229-page score (6), but omits nos. 21 and 22 in Act IV. Copies: D-B (6046), NL-Ao, US-Bp, US-LIu, US-RIVu.
Kalmus, New York, c. 1970. Reprint of the third Choudens 229-page edition. Also issued by Belwyn Mills. IMSLP.
Eroica, c. 2010. Reprint of the Choudens 260-page edition.
Choudens, 265 rue St Honoré, pl. no. A.C.1524(1) – A.C.1524(18), ann. BF, 25-4-1868. Dépôt légal 1868. 18 Morceaux détachés. The following pieces were issued, almost all of them in both high and low keys, large format:
1 | Romance (from no. 2) | |
2 | Air (from no. 3) | |
3 | Duo (from no. 4) | |
4 | Quatuor (from no. 6) | |
5 | Chanson (from no. 7) | |
6 | Ronde bacchanal (from no. 10) | |
7 | Couplets (from no. 12) | |
8 | Romance (from no. 13) | |
9 | Sérénade (from no. 13) | |
10 | Air (from no. 14) | |
11 | Cavatine (from no. 16) | |
12 | Duo (from no. 17) | |
13 | Air (from no. 18) | |
14 | Cavatine (from no. 19) | |
15 | Duo (from no. 20) | |
16 | Duo (from no. 21) | |
17 | Duetto (from no. 23) | |
18 | Ballade (from no. 24) |
Copies: private collection (proof of no. 5 ‘Il était jadis un bon roi’), F-Pn Ac.m.2621 (no. 7), F-Pn K67556(1–2) (no. 9, both keys), F-TOu (no. 6), B-Br (no. 16), GB-Lbbc (no. 12), I-Mc (no. 10).
No. 12 (Couplets) as no. 18 of Vingt Mélodies, 1873, as 'Je n’en dirai rien' in two keys.
No. 12 (Couplets): Hansen, Copenhagen, pl. no. 12394, 7 p., 1898, as ‘Je n’en dirai rien’, in Swedish, French and Danish. D-B.
No. 14 (Air): Schirmer, New York, pl. no. 16365, p. 98-101 (from a collection), 1904, in French and English (translated by Th. Baker). US-Wc M1508
No. 13 (Sérénade): Muzyka, Moscow, pl. no. 8005, 7 p., 1973, in French and Russian (translated by P. Vernatsky). US-Wc M1508.
No. 9 (Chœur): Belwyn-Mills, Melville, no. OCT 2399, 12 p., 1977, in French and English (translated by Don Malin). US-Wc M1508
Choudens, pl. no. A.C. 1550(2), 1868, separate parts for men's (3 p.) and women's (2 p.) voices. Copies: F-Rm.
Choudens, pl. no. A.C. 6009, 4
p., c. 1883, in German and Italian. Copy:
2 volumes: title page, blank, table, blank, music 1–356, title page, blank, table, blank, music 357–611
c. 1883
lithographed manuscript score with French and Hopp’s German text. Pages 235–50, Danse bohémienne, are printed and paginated 499–514, with pl. no. A.C. 3795, taken from the 1877 printed full score of Carmen.
Act I | a) | Bars 31-67 of the Air (no. 3) were not cut. |
b) | In the Chanson et scène finale (no. 7) the 8-bar reduction of bars 33-68 was accompanied. | |
Act II | c) | The Danse bohémienne (no. 11) lacks voices (since these pages were taken from the ballet insertions in Carmen). |
Act IV | d) | The Chœur de la St Valentin (no. 23) was in its original key, A♭. |
e) | Bars 43-48 of the Scène (no. 23bis), now part of the Ballade (no. 24), were not cut. |
Choudens, pl. no. A.C. 1549, 1867. The parts for Vns I, Vns II, and Vlles et Contrebasses were engraved. The remainder were lithographed from manuscript copies. For later sets the orchestral parts of the Scènes bohémiennes (pl. no. A.C. 3210) were used to provide the Danse bohémienne (no. 11). Full sets: F-Rm, D-Mbs. The Musée de Pontoise has the part for Timbales et Triangle (A.C. 1549(13)) for the Danse bohémienne with Bizet's autograph corrections and inscribed: 'Mon cher d’Aubel, pardonnez-moi la gymnastique incensée que j’ose vous demander. Cela est possible, je viens de l’exécuter sur ma table et une casserole. – d’avance, mille remerciements – votre affectionné G. Bizet'.
Choudens père et fils, 265 rue St-Honoré, pl. no. A.C. 6048, 151 p., c. 1883, arranger not stated. The version is that of the 229-page vocal score (1883) with the Air (no. 3). E-Mn M/5433, GB-Lbl f.197.g, GB-LEbc, US-G, US-LIu, US-R. IMSLP.
Reissued from later addresses.
Sonzogno, Milan, pl. no. 6048, c. 1884, 151 p. I-Mc.
Simrock, Berlin, c. 1890, advertised on the Simrock vocal score.
No. 8 (Marche et chœur): Choudens, 1868, as Ronde de
No. 11 (Danse bohémienne): Choudens, pl. no. A.C. 1529, 5
p., 1868.
No. 11 (Danse bohémienne): Choudens, 1868,
Edition simplifiée.
No. 17 (Duo): Choudens, 1886, as 2me Menuet de l’Arlésienne, in Classe supérieure du piano, 2e vol., p. 46–51.
Rêverie: Sonzogno, Milan, pl. no. 7647, 7 p., arranged by Felix Godefroied. I-Mc.
Potpourri: Sonzogno, Milan, pl. no. 1530, 11 p., c. 1884, as Bouquet de mélodies, arranged by R. de Vilbac. I-Mc.
Potpourri: Choudens, in Album de Piano Divers Auteurs, Prime du Supplément du Petit Journal, c. 1890, p. 35-39.
Potpourri: Europa, Berlin, pl. no. 248, 11 p., 1909. D-B.
Potpourri: Benjamin, Hamburg, c. 1914, arranged by Fr. Eberle.
Choudens, A.C. 7585, 8 + 3 p., 1886, arr. E. Gillet. GB-NWm.
P. A. Genin, Fantaisie pour piano sur La Jolie Fille de Perth, Choudens, pl. no. A.C. 10652, 15 p., [1895]. Re-issued by Margueritat, Paris. GB-NWm.
Adrien-Théodore Benoît-Champy (1805–72), lawyer and politician. He served in the Assemblée after 1848. After 1852 he was Député au Corps Législatif, then after 1856 Président du Tribunal Civil de la Seine. He acted as witness at Bizet’s wedding in 1869. Bizet dedicated the arrangement of the second of Gounod’s 6 Chœurs célèbres to his daughter-in-law, Madame Gabriel Benoît-Champy.
'L'anecdote suivant, concernant La Jolie Fille de Perth,
circula dans les chroniques nécrologiques comme exemple de ses spectaculaires
capacités :
– Je vous app0rte un opéra, dit le compositeur au directeur du Théâtre-Lyrique, Léon Carvalho.
– Très bien.
– Voulez-vous l'entendre ?
– Volontiers.
Après l'avoir écouté au piano durant plus d'une heure, Carvalho questionna Bizet :
– C'est superbe ; mais comment avez-vous pu jouer trois actes sans partition ?
– J'ai une mémoire excellente.
– Enfin, je reçois votre opéra. Quand me l'apporterez-vous ?
– Dans quatre mois, le temps de le copier, car il n'y a pas une seule note d'écrite.'Lacombe, p. 38 -
'Au mois de septembre [1866] il m’envoyait le résumé du premier
acte dont il avait fait la musique. Deux morceaux ont été supprimés plus tard :
une romance de Smith après la sortie des forgerons, un duo entre Smith et Mab. Ce
duo a été remplacé par les couplets de Mab. Le quatuor lui paraissait être
l’effet de l’acte. Je suis content de la
musique, me disait-il je crois avoir bien établi mes types : le Ralph est bien
venu ; il deviendra important au deuxième acte. Je suis très-satisfait du
deuxième acte auquel je travaille.'
Galabert (1877), p. 3
'je dois faire remarquer, à propos du résumé du premier acte
qu’il m’envoyait dans sa première lettre de septembre 1866, que, plus tard, deux
morceaux ont été supprimés : une romance de Smith après la sortie des forgerons,
et un duo entre Smith et Mab. Ce duo a été remplacé par les couplets de Mab. Je
trouve encore un passage à prendre, touchant cet ouvrage, dans la brochure de
1877. J'écrivais alors : On a vu qu'il s'était plusieurs fois
déclaré satisfait de son œuvre. Il tenait à faire le moins de concessions
possible au faux goût du public, ayant au plus haut degré le respect de son art,
et dédaignant les succès obtenus par des moyens que réprouvait sa conscience
d'artiste. Lorsque, en 1867, il me fit connaître sa partition, il me communiqua
d'abord les morceaux qu'il croyait avoir le plus de valeur. Ce sont : au premier
acte, le duo de Smith et de Catherine, au moins la phrase principale ; au
deuxième, le chœur de la ronde de nuit, la danse bohémienne et l'air de Ralph,
où M. Lutz se fit tant applaudir ; le duo de Mab et du duc avec le menuet dans
la coulisse, au troisième acte ; au quatrième, le duo de Smith et de Ralph avec
chœur et le chœur de Saint-Valentin. En me jouant la ballade à roulades
de Catherine au quatrième acte, il me dit qu'il était obligé de céder là-dessus,
qu'il avait tâché de faire en même temps quelque chose qui restât musical, et me
demanda s'il y avait réussi.'
Galabert (1909), p. 24-25
Bizet’s contract with Choudens, provided for 15,000 francs, payable as 3,000 on the first performance, 1,500 on the 30th, 1,500 on the 40th, 1,000 on the 50th, 1,000 on the 60th, 2,000 on the 80th, 2,000 on the 100th, and 3,000 on the 120th.
Fonds Choudens. -
Choudens’ contract with Adenis, dated 5-7-1889, allowed Choudens to publish the opera as performed at the Opéra-Comique.
Fonds Choudens.
- 26-12-1867, Théâtre-Lyrique (18 performances, 21 according to Pigot)
- Smith – Massy
- Cathérine – Jeanne Devriès
- le Duc de Rothsay – Barré
- Glover – Wartel
- Mab – Alice Ducasse
- Ralph – Lutz
- Le Majordome – Guyot
- Un Ouvrier – Neveu
- Un Seigneur – Boudias
- cond. – Deloffre
Announcements and reviews:- Le Ménestrel, 30-6-1867
- Le Ménestrel and Revue et gazette musicale, 22-9-1867
- F. Jahyer, Diogène, 28-9-1867 (with caricature and satirical poem)
- Le Ménestrel, 29-9-1867
- La Gazette de Hollande, 5-10-1867
- H. Moreno, Le Ménestrel, 3-12-1867, p.35
- Eugène Tarbe, Le Figaro, 28-12-1867
- E. Lemoine, Le Temps, 28-12-1867
- H. Moreno, Le Ménestrel, 29-12-1867
- M. Escudier, La France musicale, 29-12-1867
- F. Jahyer, Le Messager des théâtres et des arts, 29-12-1867
- N. Roqueplan, Le Constitutionnel, 30-12-1867
- Le Foyer dramatique
- L. Leroy, La Liberté, 30-12-1867
- A. Azevedo, L'Opinion nationale, 31-12-1867
- L'Union
- Léon Escudier, L’Art musical, 2-1-1868
- Gustave Chadeuil, Le Siècle, 2/3-1-1868
- M. Savigny, L’Illustration, 4-1-1868
- Gerome, L’Univers Illustré, 4-1-1868
- Armand Gouzien, Revue et gazette musicale, 5-1-1868, p. 3-5.
- L. Garnier, L'Europe artiste, 5-1-1868
- Théophile Gautier, Le Moniteur universel, 6-1-1868
- E. Reyer, Journal des débats, 6-1-1868
- Johannès Weber, Le Temps, 7-1-1868
- Albert de Lasalle, Le Monde illustré, 11-1-1868
- F. de Lagenevais, Revue des deux mondes, 1/2-1868
Later performances:14-4-1868 Brussels (3 performances, on 14-4, 22-4 and 25-4)
- Smith – Jourdan
- Cathérine – Mme Daniele
- le Duc de Rothsay – Delaunay
- Mab – Mme Dumestre
- Ralph – Janet
- cond. – Ch. L. Hanssens
- Le Guide musical
- Indépendance belge, 20-4-1868
1868 | The salon of Mme Trélat | (two numbers) |
27-2-1883 | Rouen, Théâtre des Arts | |
2-3-1883 | Lille | + 3, 7, 14-3-1883 and 6-1-1887 |
8-4-1883 | Weimar | in German (tr. Julius Hopp) |
5-5-1883 | Vienna | in German (tr. Hopp) |
20-11-1883 | Rome, Teatro Argentina | in Italian (tr. A. Zanardini) |
Gand | ||
Antwerp (Pigot 70) | ||
23-3-1884 | Milan, Teatro de Via Manzoni | in Italian |
10-1884 | Frankfurt | |
15-1-1885 | Parma | in Italian (tr. Zanardini) |
9-4-1885 | Liège | |
23-11-1885 | Geneva | |
2-1-1887 | Kiev | in Russian |
8-1889 | Paris, Trocadéro | (selections) |
9-1890 | Barcelona | in Italian |
3-11-1890 | Opéra-Comique |
- Smith – Engel
- Cathérine – Cécile Mézeray
- le Duc de Rothsay – Frédéric Boyer
- Mab – Mlle Bossy
- Ralph – Isnardon
- Le majordome – Belen
- Un seigneur – Portejoie
- cond. – Ch. L. Hanssens
- A Héler, L'Art musical, 15-11-1890
25-12-1890 | Vercelli, Teatro Civico | |
24-1-1891 | Turin, Teatro Regio | |
22-10-1891 | Florence, Teatro Pagliano | |
1-1893 | Milan, Teatro Dal Verme | |
16-3-1893 | Venice, Fenice | |
29-10-1898 | Milan, Teatro Lirico | |
4-5-1917 | Manchester | in English |
28-6-1917 | London, Drury Lane | in English, cond. Beecham |
2-1920 | London, Covent Garden | |
4-1933 | Lyon | |
1949 | London, BBC | |
30-11-1955 | Oxford | |
30-10-1968 | Wexford | |
5-5-1970 | Birmingham | |
? | Manchester, BBC | |
15-11-1981 | Brescia | |
4-3-1988 | London, Guildhall | |
23-3-1996 | Sarasota | |
1999 | Compiègne | |
8-7-2006 | Buxton | |
30-6-2007 | Bern | (concert) |
- RPO, Beecham, 1949 (in English)
- Northern SO, Lloyd-Jones, 1973
- Nouvel OP, Georges Prêtre, 3-1985
- Catherine Glover – June Anderson
- Henry Smith – Alfredo Kraus
- Rothsay – Gino Quilico
- Ralph – José van Dam
- Mab – Margarita Zimmermann
- Simon Glover – Gabriel Becquier
- Souzay, Lamoureux O, 1966
- Laurence Dale, Nancy Lyric SO, Montgomery, 1989
- Alain Vanzo, 1990
- Samuel Ramey, LPO, Rudel, 1991
- Riccardo Zadra, 1995
- Pigot (1886): 56, 62-63, 65-72, 74–114, 122, 124, 128, 139-40, 170, 215, 297, 299, 302, 304, 309, 314, 318, 334, 338
- Pigot (1911): 21, 40, 52, 62-104, 111-12, 115, 124-25, 151, 187, 256, 259, 261, 263, 267, 275, 281
- Curtiss 171-77, 182-86, 190, 196-97, 203-6, 208-9, 211-15, 219, 233, 292, 327, 328, 332, 336, 396, 460, 465, 470, 471
- Dean 40, 58, 62-65, 69-73, 98, 110, 132, 147, 150, 153, 162, 168, 177-85, 198, 209, 224, 248, 250, 260, 287, 289, 291-93
- Wright 4, 6, 8-9, 16, 18, 26, 30, 36, 50-51, 72, 102, 198-99, 211, 226-62, 266-337, 345-50, 354-57, 381-84, 387, 391-94
- Lacombe 38, 186, 296, 319, 330, 335, 359-61, 369-70, 374-76, 379, 381-91, 394-409, 416, 421-23, 426, 445, 510, 544, 550, 564, 609, 638, 649, 676, 735
- Albert Soubies, Histoire du Théâtre-Lyrique, 1851-1870 (Paris: Fischbacher, 1899)
- Henri Maréchal, Paris, Souvenirs d’un musicien (Paris 1907), p. 228–30.
- Pierre Berton, Souvenirs de la vie du théâtre (Paris, 1913), p. 227–28.
- Jack Westrup, 'Bizet's La Jolie Fille de Perth', Essays Presented to Egon Wellesz (Oxford, 1966), p. 157-170.
- John W. Klein, ‘Bizet’s “Scottish” Opera’, Opera, 19 (1968), 786-93.
- T. J. Walsh, Second Empire Opera: the Théâtre Lyrique Paris 1851-1870 (London 1981), p. 232-35.
- Joann Élart, Catalogue des fonds musicaux conservés en Haute-Normandie, t. I, vol. 1, Université de Rouen, 2004. p. 176-177.
- Hugh Macdonald, 'Bizet's La Jolie Fille de Perth in Print and in Performance', John Ward and His Magnificent Collection, ed. Gordon Hollis (Beverly Hills: Golden Legend, 2010), p. 93–105.
- https://www.artlyriquefr.fr/oeuvres/Jolie%20fille%20de%20Perth.html