Le Gascon

[musical score]
63 bars
voice and piano

Poem: Catulle Mendès (1841–1909), Parnassian poet and dramatist.

Cadédis ! lorsque je me fâche,
Tordant ma moustache
D’un air cavalier,
Le plus fier, s’il n’a point envie
De perdre la vie,
Descend l’escalier !
Mais, sandis ! lorsque je me pose,
Bouche en cœur de rose
Et l’œil bien fendu,
La plus sage se tient à quatre !...
J’en ai vu se battre
Pour mon gant perdu
Cadédis ! à Versaille, au Louvre,
Le roi, dès qu’on ouvre,
M’adresse un bonjour.
J’ai souvent, vêtu d’amaranthe,
Dansé la Courante
Aux ballets de cour.
Mais, sandis ! c’est midi qui cloche.
J’ai deux sols en poche,
Diantre, et j’ai grand faim…
Bah ! viens ça, bouquetière éclose !
L’odeur de la rose
Vaut le goût du pain !

Composition: The song was originally written in 1870-71 for Act II of Grisélidis, where it survives as a sketch. Bizet later adapted it as a song for which Mendès was engaged to write words. It was not published until 1885.

Posthumous use: Le Gascon was inserted in Don Procopio in 1905 as the Ariette, no. 5.

Autograph score:

Private collection. 12-stave paper, 2 f., 4 p. of music in G major, prepared for engraving with A.C. 6168 at the foot of p. 1. The words have been entered in another hand. Mendès’s words are attached on a separate sheet.

Printed scores:

Choudens, as no. 12 of Seize Mélodies, 1883, with words by Catulle Mendès, in two keys, G and F. IMSLP.


Choudens père et fils, issued separately with pl. no. A.C. 6168 (high key) and A.C. 6586 (low key), 5 p., 1884. GB-NWm (both keys).


Hansen, Copenhagen, pl. no. 12408, 5 p., 1898, in Swedish, French and Danish. D-B.

Printed arrangement, piano solo: