Ecce sacerdos

Chœur à 3 parties

pour une installation ou visite pastorale

[musical score]
25 bars
trois voix de femmes, orgue

Text: Ecce sacerdos magnus is an antiphon and a responsory from the common of confessors in the Liturgy of the Hours and in the Graduale Romanum.

'Ecce sacerdos magnus, qui in diebus suis, placuit Deo, et inventus est justus; Non est inventus similis illi qui conservaret legem Excelsi.'

Composition: It is not known when Bizet composed this short piece since it was evidently not published until after his death. It was commissioned by Prosper Sain d'Arod (1814–?) who compiled the Livre choral, an immense collection of religious vocal music. Berlioz was also a contributor of three pieces for three women's voices and organ.

Printed scores:
pl. no:



Five volumes. The Bizet work is on p. 242–44 as no. 5 of volume III.




F-Pn Vm1 780 (dépôt légal 1885)


Société générale de Librairie catholique, nouvelle édition, 1888. GB-En H.B. 1/129.