Query Tools
What was read by different age groups? Occupations? Genders?
Who read what books? Or Authors? Etc.
Word cloud interface for querying demographic characteristics, authors and titles.
These functions feel like they reproduce, but in a slower and uglier form, functions available on the What Middletown Read website. If they are valuable, it's because the take into account our efforts to focus in on transactions where patron and the borrower are the same, and thus for which we can accurately associate census (and therefore demographic) information with borrowers. For more on this, please see out page on Data & Methods.
The first two functions are slow to load (and could be made faster). Once they're loaded, however, they run fairly quickly. Pick one or more values from the drop downs, then click Submit. When results are returned, click the links to see details.
The word cloud interface provides the same information. Hopefully the experience is a little more pleasant (although not without its unexplained interface "curiosities").