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39 records found.
- The faerie queene. Disposed into twelue bookes, fasionoing XII. Morall vertues, 1596, Capell R.7
- The faerie queene. Disposed into twelve bookes, fashioning XII. Morall vertues, 1590, VI.2.62
- Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds tale. By Edm. Sp. Dedicated to the right Honourable, the Lady Compton and Mountegle., 1613, Munby.b.12[3]
- A letter of the authors, expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke: which for that it giueth great light to the reader, for the better vnderstanding is herevnto annexed. To the right noble and valorous, Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight, Lo: Wardein of the Stanneries, & her maiesties Lieutenaunt of the countie of Cornewayll., 1611, F.5[2]
- The shepheardes calender conteyning tvvelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney., 1579, Capell T. 9 [1]
- The faerie queene. Disposed into twelue bookes, fashioning XII. morall vertues., 1590, Capell. S. 19
- The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues., 1609, VI.3.73
- The faerie queen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1611, Capell F.5[1]
- Colin Clouts come home againe. By Ed. Spencer., 1595, VI. 2. 64
- Complaints. Containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie. VVhereof the next page maketh mention. By Ed. Sp., 1591, Capell S.29[1]
- Calendarium pastorale, sive, Æglogæ duodecim : totidem anni mensibus accomodatæ / Anglicè olim scriptæ ab Edmundo Spensero ... ; nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donatæ a Theodoro Bathurst ... ; Johanne Ball, Editore.The shepheards calender. Latin and English.] , 1732, H.10.38
- A canto of the Fairy queen. Written by Spenser. Never before published., 1739, RW.41.22[3]
- The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser. In six volumes. With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. Publish'd by Mr. Hughes..., 1715, H.7.192-H.7.197
- The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser. In six volumes. With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. Publish'd by Mr. Hughes..., 1715, H.20.22
- Spenser's Faerie queene. A new edition with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical by John Upton...In two volumes..., 1758, H.5.44-45
- The shepheardes calender conteyning tvvelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney., 1581, Capell T. 6
- The shepheardes calender conteyning tvvelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney., 1586, Capell Q. 9 [2]
- The shepheardes calender conteyning tvvelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney., 1591, Capell S. 29 [3]
- Amoretti and Epithalamion. Written not long since by Edmunde Spenser., 1595, Capell * 18
- The faerie queene. Disposed into twelue bookes, fasionoing XII. Morall vertues, 1596, Capell R.6
- The second part of The faerie queene, containing the fourth, fifth and sixth bookes. By E. Spenser., 1596, VI. 2. 63
- The second part of The faerie queene, containing the fourth, fifth and sixth bookes. by Ed. Spenser., 1596, Capell S 18 [1]
- The faerie qveen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poët, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1617, Grylls 32.125[1]
- The fairy queen. Written by Edmund Spenser. With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. In two volumes..., 1758, Munby.d.52-53
- The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues., 1609, Capell. G.3[1]
- The faerie qveen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poët, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1617, VI.4.2[2]
- The faerie qveen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poët, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1617, Capell F.6[1]
- Prosopopoia. Or, Mother Hubberds tale. by Edm. Sp. Dedicated to the right honourable, the Lady Compton and Mountegle., 1628, VI.4.2[3]
- Complaints. Containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie. VVhereof the next page maketh mention. By Ed. Sp., 1591, Capell S.29[1]
- Colin Clovts come home againe. by Ed. Spenser., 1595, Capell Q.10[2]
- The shepheards calender : containing twelve aeglogves, proportionable to the twelve moneths. Entivled, to teh noble and vertuous gentleman, most worthy of all titles, both of learning and chiualrie, Master Philip Sidney., 1617, VI.3.84[1]
- Calendarium pastorale, sive, Æglogæ duodecim : Anglicè olim scriptæ ab Edmundo Spensero anglorum poetarum principe, nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donatæ a Theodoro Bathurst, aulæ Pembrokianæ apud Cantabrigienses aliquando socio., 1653, H.25.37
- , 1653, VI. ii. 87 [1]
- Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Emund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity., 1633, Grylls. 23. 125
- Prsopopoia. Or, Mother Hubberds tale. by Edm. Sp. Dedicated to the right honourable, the Lady Compton and Mountegle., 1628, Munby.b.12A[2]
- The faerie qveen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poët, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1617, Munby.b.12[1]
- The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser : in six volumes, with a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. publish'd by Mr. Hughes..., 1715, H.20.23
- The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser : in six volumes, with a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. publish'd by Mr. Hughes..., 1715, H.20.24
- The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues., 1609, Capell G.3[1]