Dulwich College
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4 records found.
- 1. THE Shepheardes Calender, Conteining twelue AEglogues proportionable to the twelue Monethes. EntitledTO THE NOBLE AND Vertuous Gentleman moft worthie of all titles, both of learning and | chiualry, Maifter Philip Sidney. London, 1586 Imprinted by Iohn Wolfe for Iohn Harrifon the yonger, dwellin in Pater nofter Row, at the figne of the Anker. Imprinted by Thomas Eaft
2. Complaints. Containing fundrie fmall Poems of the Worlds Vanitie. VVhereof the next Page maketh mention. By ED. SP. London 1591 Imprinted for William Ponfonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the figne of the Bifhops head
3. THE Teares of the Mufes. By ED. Sp. London 1591 Imprinted for William Ponfonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the figne of the Bifhops head
4. PROSOPOPOIA Or Mother Hubberds Tale. By ED. SP. Dedicated to the right Honorable the Ladie Compton and Mountegle. London 1591 Imprinted for William Ponfonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the figne of the Bifhops head
5. MVIOPOTMOS, or The Fate of the Butterflie. By ED. SP. Dedicated ot the moft faire and vertuous Ladie: the Ladie Carey. London 1590 Imprinted for William Ponfonbie, dwelling in Paules Churchyard at the figne of the Bifhops head
6. COLIN CLOVTS Come home againe. By Ed. Spencer. London 1595 Printed by T.C. for VVilliam Ponfonbie
7. Fowre Hymnes, MADE BY EDM. SPENCER. London 1596 Printed for VVilliam Ponfonby, 1586,
- THE FAERIE QUEENE. By EDMUND SPENCER. With an exact Collation of the Two ORIGINAL EDITIONS. Publifhed by Himfelf at LONDON in QUARTO; the Former containing the fifrt THREE BOOKS printed in 1590, and the Latter the SIX BOOKS in 1596. To which are now added. | A new LIFE of the AUTHOR, AND ALSO A GLOSSARY. Adorn'd with thirty-two COPPER-PLATES, from the Original | Drawings of the late W. KEnt, Efq; Architect and principal Painter to | his Majefty. VOL. I. VOL. 2. VOL. 3.
London 1751 Printed for J. Brindley, in New Bond-Street, and S. Wright, Clerk of his Majefty's Works, at Hampton-Court , 1751,
- 1. THE FAERIE QVEEN: THE Shepheards Calendar: Together WITH THE OTHER Works of England's Arch-Poet, EDM. SPENCER: Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. London 1617 Printed by H.L. for Matthew Lownes
2. THE SECOND PART OF THE FAERIE QVEENE. Containing THE FOVRTH, FIFTH, AND SIXTH BOOKES, By Ed. Spenfer. London 1596 Imprinted at London for William Ponfonby, 1590,
- THE FAERIE QVEENE, DISPOSED INTO XII. BOOKES. | Fafhioning twelue Morall Vertues. London 1609 Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes, 1609,