Johns Hopkins U Garrett Library
Sp.Coll. and Archives/Milton S. Eisenhower Library
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22 records found.
- The faerie queene : disposed into twelue books, fashioning XII. morall vertues., 1590, PO2358 1590b
- The faerie queene : disposed into twelue books, fashioning XII. morall vertues., 1590, PO2358 1590a
- The faerie queen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1611, PO2350 1611 Copy 1
- Prothalamion or A spousall verse made by Edm. Spenser. In honour of the double mariage of the two honorable & vertuous ladies, the Ladie Elizabeth and the Ladie Katherine Somerset, daughters to the Right Honourable the Earle of Worcester and espoused to the two worthie gentlemen M. Henry Gilford, and M. William Peter Esquyers., 1596, PO2360 .P7 1596
- The shepheardes calender : conteining twelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes : entitled to the noble and vertuous gentleman ... Philip Sidney, 1586, PO2359 1586
- The shepheards calender : conteining twelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes : entituled to the noble and vertuous gentleman ... Philip Sidney., 1591, PO2359 1591
- The shepheards calender : conteyning twelue aeglogues, proportionable to the twelue moneths : entituled, to the noble and vertuous gentleman ... Philip Sidney., 1597, PO2359 1597
- Amoretti ; and Epithalamion, 1595, PO2360 .A5 1595
- Colin Clouts come home againe, 1595, PO2356 1595
- Complaints : containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie : whereof the next page maketh mention., 1591, PO2357 1591
- Fowre hymnes, 1596, PO2360 .F6 1596
- The Faerie Queene : disposed into twelve bookes, fashioning XII. morall vertues., 1596, PO2358 1596 Copy 1
- The Faerie Queene : disposed into twelve bookes, fashioning XII. morall vertues., 1596, PO2358 1596 Copy 2
- The Faerie Queene : disposed into twelve bookes, fashioning XII. morall vertues., 1596, PO2358 1596 Copy 3
- The faerie queene : disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues., 1609, PO2358 1609
- The faerie queene : disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues., 1609, PO2358 1609a QUARTO
- The faerie queen ; The shepheards calendar : together with the other works., 1617, PO2350 1617 QUARTO
- The works of that famous English poet, Mr. Edmond Spenser. Viz., The faery queen, The shepherds calendar, The history of Ireland, &c. : whereunto is added, an account of his life : with other new additions never before in print., 1679, PO2350 1679 QUARTO Copy 1
- The works of that famous English poet, Mr. Edmond Spenser. Viz., The faery queen, The shepherds calendar, The history of Ireland, &c. : whereunto is added, an account of his life : with other new additions never before in print., 1679, PO2350 1679 QUARTO Copy 2
- The faerie queen ; The shepheards calendar : together with the other works., 1611, PO2350 1611 Copy 2
- The faerie queen ; The shepheards calendar : together with the other works., 1611, PO2350 1611 Copy 3
- The faerie queen ; The shepheards calendar : together with the other works., 1611, PO2350 1611 Copy 4