National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge
Edinburgh, EH1 1EW
United Kingdom
Website / Catalog
11 records found.
- The faerie queene. By Edmund Spenser. With an exact collation of the two original editions, ... To which are now added, a new life of the author, and also a glossary. Adorn’d with thirty-two copper-plates, from the original drawings of the late W. Kent, Esq; ..., 1751, Urq.254-256
- The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. In eight volumes. From the text of Mr. Upton, &c. With the life of the author..., 1778, Hall.230.h
- The faerie queene. By Edmund Spenser. With an exact collation of the two original editions,...To which are now added, a new life of the author and also a glossary. Adorn'd with thirty-two copper-plates, from the original drawings of the late W. Kent, Esq; ..., 1751, [Ak].1/1.3-5
- The fairy queen. Written by Edmund Spenser. With a glossary, explaining the old and obscure words. In two volumes?, 1609, Hall.169.d [Rare Books & RR (George IV Bridge)]
- The faerie queen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1611, H.28.a.14
- The faerie queen: the shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser: : Collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1611, Pat.44
- Calendarium pastorale, sive aeglogae duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accommodateae; anglice olim scriptae ab Edmundo Spenser,...nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donatee a Theodoro Bathurst... Johanne Ball, editore. [The shepheardes calender. Latin and English]., 1735, [Ak].5/2.33
- Complaints. Containing sundrie small poemes of the worlds vanitie. Vvhereof the next page maketh mention. By Ed. Sp., 1591, H.32.c.29[Rare Books & Music RR(George IV Bridge)]
- Calendarium pastorale, sive Aeglogæ duodecim, ... anglice olim scriptæ ab Edmundo Spenser, ... nunc autem eleganti latino carmine donatæ a Theodoro Bathurst ... Johanne Ball, editore. [The Shepheardes Calender in Latin and English], 1732, Nha.S55(1)
- The works of Spenser. In six volumes. With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. To which is prefix'd the life of the author, and an essay on allegorical poetry, by Mr. Hughes. ?, 1750, Unkn
- A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings, as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn vander Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the orde appointed, 1569, BCL.s55 [Rare Books & Music RR(George IV Bridge)]