Title: | Spenser's Faerie queene. A new edition with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical by John Upton ?
Repository: | U of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries
Shelfmark: | PR2358.A2U6 1758
Published by: |
Published for: | J. and R. Tonson
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1758
Copynotes: | UNL SPEC copy--Modern red buckram binding; spine stamped in gold; title pages perforated with University Libraries' property stamp; marginal notes or markings in red or black pencil on numerous pages
Editionnotes: |
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 7/27/09; NS 6/8/10
Record Source: | Repository catalog
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | UNL_FQU_001
Collation Siglum: |