Title: | The faerie queene. Disposed into twelue bookes, fashioning XII. Morall vertues |
Repository: | Lincoln Cathedral Library |
Shelfmark: | C.5.2, 3. |
Published by: | Richard Field |
Published for: | William Ponsonbie |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1596 |
Copynotes: | 2 volumes (pt. 1 & 2).
In MS at end of v.2: Two cantos of mutabilitie; A letter to Sir Walter Raleigh; poems initialled W.R., H.B., W.L.; 15 sonnets initialled W.S. |
Editionnotes: | |
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Siglum: | LCA_FQU_001 |
Collation Siglum: |