Title: | The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser. In six volumes. With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. Publish'd by Mr. Hughes. ?
Repository: | Indiana State U Cunningham Memorial Library
Shelfmark: | SpC Uncataloged
Published by: |
Published for: | Jacob Tonson
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1715
Copynotes: | Binding has been repaired. Original spine retained over repair.
Editionnotes: | Pp.ix-xviii in the first sequence contain a list of subscribers. Issued in fine and ordinary paper copies; there are minor differences in typesetting between the two.
Record Author: | Cori Perdue 8/21/09
Record Source: | Email from David Vancil
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | ISU_WKS_001
Collation Siglum: |