Title: | The faerie queene. Disposed into twelue bookes, fashioning XII. Morall vertues. by Ed. Spenser.
Repository: | Edinburgh U Library
Shelfmark: | De.7.107-108
Published by: | Richard Field
Published for: | Vvilliam Ponsonbie
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1596
Copynotes: | "Vol. 1 is of the 2nd ed., and has a facsimile title-page of the 1st ed. Substituted for its own. The title of vol. 2 reads: 'The second part of the Faerie Queene. Containing the fourth, fifth, and sixth bookes.'"
Editionnotes: | "The second part of The faerie queene" has separate dated title page, pagination, and register.
This edition omits the sonnets at the end of the 1590 edition.
Signatures: A-2O⁸, A-2I⁸ 2K⁴.
Copy filmed at UMI microfilm Early English Books, Tract Supplement reel E4 has title page to "The second part of the Faerie Queene" only.
Pt. 2 entered 20 January [1596]
Record Author: | checked by EJS 10/21/09
Record Source: | pers. Com. (see correspondence record)
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | EUN_FQU_001
Collation Siglum: |