Title: | Daphnaïda : an elegie vpon the death of the noble and vertuous Douglas Howard, daughter and heire of Henry Lord Howard, Viscount Byndon, and wife of Arthure Gorges Esquier : dedicated to the Right honorable the Lady Helena, Marquesse of Northampton / by Ed. Sp.
Repository: | Boston Public Library
Shelfmark: | RARE BKS G.177.3
Published by: | [T. Orwin]
Published for: | William Ponsonby
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1591
Copynotes: | Boston Public Library (Rare Books Department) copy bound by James Hayday in green morocco panelled in gilt with a dentelle border.
Editionnotes: | In verse.
Printer's name from ESTC.
Signatures: A-C⁴.
Title page vignette; headpiece; initial.
Record Author: | Cori Perdue 9/21/09; E. Rendek 10/15/09; NS 6/2/10
Record Source: | Email from Sean Casey; Catalog; ESTC
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | BPL_DAP_001
Collation Siglum: |