Title: | Daphnaida. An elegie vpon the death of the noble and vertuous Douglas Howard, daughter and heire of Henry Lord Howard, Viscount Byndon, and wife of Arthure Gorges Esquier. Dedicated to the Right honorable the Lady Helena, Marquesse of Northampton. By Ed. Sp. |
Repository: | Henry E. Huntington Library |
Shelfmark: | 69577 |
Published by: | T. Orwin |
Published for: | VVilliam Ponsonbie |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1591 |
Copynotes: | |
Editionnotes: | Ed. Sp. = Edmund Spenser
In verse
Printer's name from STC
Signatures: A-C⁴ |
Record Author: | checked by EJS 11/17/09 |
Record Source: | online catalogue |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | HUL_DAP_001 |
Collation Siglum: |