Title: | The faerie queene, by Edmund Spenser. A new edition, with notes critical and explanatory, by Ralph Church,?
Repository: | Bryn Mawr College Library
Shelfmark: | RBR PR2358.A3C5 1758
Published by: | William Faden
Published for: |
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1758
Copynotes: | 4 volume sets
Copy 1: Vol 1 and 4 in badly decayed leather bindings. Vol 2 and 3 in bookcloth.
Copy 2: Leather bindings with gilt ornament.
Editionnotes: |
Record Author: | Cori Perdue 8/23/09; Elena Galkina 07/04/2018
Record Source: | Email from Eric Pumroy and Marianne Hansen
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | BMC_FQU_001
Collation Siglum: |