Title: | The Faerie Queene / by Edmund Spenser ; with notes critical and explanatory, by Ralph Church, M. A. late student of Christ Church, Oxon.
Repository: | U of Reading
Shelfmark: | RESERVE--821.31 VOLS. 1-4
Published by: | William Faden
Published for: |
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1758
Copynotes: | Vols 1 and 2 bound together - each with separate title-page. Binding note: Title vignette ; full tree calf. 3 vols in 4. Spine title: Spencer's Faerie Queene.
Editionnotes: | London : printed by William Faden, 1758-59. Vol.II is dated 1759. The titlepage to vol.III reads vol.I on some copies.
Record Author: | NS 7/15/2009; NS 6/23/10
Record Source: | Library Catalogue
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | RLE_FQU_001
Collation Siglum: |