Title: | The faerie queene, disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues.
Repository: | Trinity College Dublin Library
Shelfmark: | Press A.6.24 no.1
Published by: | H[umphrey]. L[ownes]
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1609
Copynotes: | Contains first to seventh book. This copy imperfect: Lacks Q5. With Ms date of Feb. 1854 (library accession date) and Ms name of W Giles.
Binding: Bound in 19th c. sheep, stamped in blind. With marbled endpapers.
Bound in at end of text: Press A.6.24.no.2: Prosopoia...At London, printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1613.
Editionnotes: |
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 6/24/09; 10/14/09; EG 05/14/2018
Record Source: | Repository catalog; correspondence
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | TCD_FQU_001
Collation Siglum: |