Title: | The faerie queen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of Englands arch-poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one vlume, and carefully corrected.
Repository: | Smith College
Shelfmark: | 825 Sp31 1617
Published by: | H[umphrey] L[ownes]
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1617
Copynotes: | The individual parts that were separately issued are also catalogued separately. MNS
SC/RBR: Half brown morocco and marbled boards (blanks ²F4 and ⁵[par]8 wanting);
Blank leaf at end wanting.
Pages 8 and 32 in the first numbered section misnumbered 10 and 23 respectively.
Second printing of the first collected edition except for Prosopopoia which is the first printing.
The faerie qveen.
The second part of The faerie qveene, containing the fovrth, fift, and sixt booke (1613)
-- The shepheards calender (1617)
-- Prosopopoia, or, Mother Hubberds tale (1612)
-- Colin Clovts come home againe. Prothalamion, or, A spovsall verse (1617). Amoretti and Epithalamion (1617). Fovre hymnes (1617). Daphnaida (1617). Complaints (1617). The teares of the Mvses (1617). Mviopotmos, or The fate of the bvtterfly (1617)
-- A letter of the avthors, expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke. Allego-.
Editionnotes: | A reissue of an earlier edition (cf. STC and ESTC), adding four separately-issued works to The faerie queen; the order of the additional works varies among copies.
Signatures: fo. A⁶ (-A1+[pi]²) B-P⁶ Q⁴ R-2H⁶; ²A-E⁶ ²F⁴; ³A⁸; ⁴A-L⁶ ⁴M²; ⁵[par.]⁸ (2H6, ²F4, ⁵[par.]8 blank).
The printer was Humphrey Lownes.
Colophon date is "16012"; the "0" may have been intended as an ornamental flourish.
All parts except the last have special title pages, with imprint "Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes" (or a close variant) and date as noted in the contents list, except "The shepheards calender," which has imprint: "London: Printed by Bar: Alsop for Iohn Harrison the elder, and are to bee solde at his shop at the signe of the golden Anker in Pater Noster Row, 1617."
The individual parts that were separately issued are also catalogued separately. MNS
Record Author: | checked by NS 7/15/10
Record Source: | photocopy of card catalogue
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | SCG_WKS_002
Collation Siglum: |