Title: | The faerie queene. Disposed into twelue books, fashioning XII. Morall vertues.
Repository: | New York Public Library
Shelfmark: | *KC 1590, Rare Books Division
Published by: | John Wolfe
Published for: | William Ponsonbie
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1590
Copynotes: | 1) copy is complete, though
2) without the sonnets at the end, as it is the first issue.
3) The first two and the last five leaves have very slight repairs; no text is missing.
4) copy is re-bound in 19th century red morocco binding, with gold tooling in the continental style; it has marbled endpapers, and modern binder's blanks at the front and back.
Editionnotes: | One of three variants of this edition. This one has dedication on title page verso signed "Ed. Spenser"; first digit of imprint date is under the "r" of "for". Quire 2Q is intended to cancel 2P6,7, but the latter are usually retained; pagination above reflects this.
Record Author: |
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Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | NYP_FQU_004
Collation Siglum: |