Title: | The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser.
Repository: | Pierpont Morgan Library
Shelfmark: | PML 76454
Published by: | the Societie of Stationers
Published for: |
Published Location: | Dublin
Published date: | 1633
Copynotes: | 1 v.
State D with cancel t. p. Cf. A cat. of the Bradshaw Collection of Irish books in the University Library, Cambridge, no. 36.
Editionnotes: | First ed.
CONTENTS. - [pt. 1] Campion's Historie of Ireland. - [pt. 2] The chronicle of Ireland: collected by Meredith Hanmer. Henry Marleburrough's Chronicle of Ireland. - [pt. 3] (with special t. p.) A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser esq. in the yeere 1596. VVhereunto is added the History of Ireland, by Edmund Cmapion ... published by Sir Iames Ware knight. (But Campion's History is not repeated in pt. 3).
Record Author: | Elena Galkina 08/23/2018
Record Source: |
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