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The faerie queen ; The shepheards calendar : together with the other works., 1611, 821 S748 1611 QUARTO

Title: The faerie queen ; The shepheards calendar : together with the other works.
Repository: Johns Hopkins U Peabody Library
Shelfmark: 821 S748 1611 QUARTO
Published by: H.L. [Humphrey Lownes]
Published for: Mathew Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1611
Copynotes: Full-leather binding with gold embossed vignette on center over covers. Chipped and spine peeling. Library mark "3L" at head of spine.
Editionnotes: Title within woodcut border; head and tail pieces; initials; printed in double columns. Colophon, sig. 2H5v: 16012 [sic.] London, Printed by H.L. for Matthew Lownes. Signatures: [A]², A2-6, B-P⁶, Q⁴, R-2H⁶, ²A⁸, ³A-E⁶, ³F⁴, ⁴A-L⁶, ⁴M², [paragraph sign]⁸ ([A]1, 2H6, ³F4, [paragraph sign] 8 blanks) sigs. [A]1-2 cancel original A1. Most of the minor works have separate title pages, and are unpaged. Indexed by: Johnson, F. R. Spenser, 19.
Record Author: Elena Galkina 07/22/2018
Record Source: Correspondence
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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