Title: | The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. In eight volumes. From the text of Mr. Upton, &c. With the life of the author. ?
Repository: | Harry Ransom Center, U Texas-Austin
Shelfmark: | PR2351.U6 1778 (Copy 1)
Published by: | the Martins
Published for: |
Published Location: | Edinburgh: at the Apollo Press
Published date: | 1778
Copynotes: | HRC copy 1 [STR] bound in 3 v. Bookplate of Miriam Lutcher Stark; book label of T.B. Wolland.
The ESTC mentions a slip from the publisher inserted in vol. 7; it is not present in this copy.
8 v. : ill., port. ; 13 cm. (18mo in 6s)
Each volume has an engraved title page (with series statement), and two letter press title pages.
Engraved title pages have imprinted: Printed for John Bell ... London Feby. 16th. 1778 [-April the 10th. 1778].
Editionnotes: | Each volume has an engraved title page (with series statement), and two letter press title pages.
Engraved title pages have imprinted: Printed for John Bell ... London Feby. 16th. 1778 [-April the 10th. 1778].
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 6/18/09
Record Source: | Repository Catalog
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | TRC_WKS_013
Collation Siglum: |