Title: | The works of Mr. Edmund Spenser. In six volumes. With a glossary explaining the old and obscure words. Publish'd by Mr. Hughes. ...
Repository: | Alexander Turnbull Library
Shelfmark: | REng SPEN Works 1715 Copy 2
Published by: |
Published for: | Jacob Tonson
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1715
Copynotes: | Binding: red linen, red text edges. Provenance: armorial bookplates of Gideon Mantell, W.B.D. Mantell and Walter Mantell.
Editionnotes: | Issued on ordinary and fine paper, with the latter containing an additional gathering in vol. 1 (*a⁶, pp. ix-xviii) comprising a list of subscribers.
Signatures: Vol. 1: A⁴ *a⁶ a-e¹² f¹⁰ B-H¹² I⁸. Vol. 2: K-Z¹² 2A¹² (-2A12) 2B². Vol. 3: 2B-2N¹² 2O¹² (-2O12). Vol. 4: 2P-3D¹². Vol. 5: [pi]1 3E-3Q¹². Vol. 6: [pi]1 3R-4E¹² 4F⁸ (4F8).
Record Author: | Elena Galkina 07/04/2018
Record Source: | Correspondence
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |