Title: | Colin Clovts come home againe / By Edm. Spencer.
Repository: | Boston Public Library
Shelfmark: | RARE BKS PR2358 .A1 1609x no.5
Published by: | H.L. [Humphrey Lownes]
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1617
Copynotes: | Bound volume includes: 1. The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes (1609) -- 2. The shepheards calender (1611) -- 3. Prosopopoia. or, Mother Hubberds tale (s.d.) -- 4. A letter of the avthors, expounding ... (s.d.) -- 5. Colin Clovts come home againe (s.d.) -- 6. Prothalamion or a spovsall verse (1617) -- 7. Amoretti and epithalamion (1617) -- 8. Epithalamion (1617) -- 9. Fovre hymnes (1617) -- 10. Daphnaida (1617) -- 11. Complaints containing svndry small poemes of the vvorlds vanitie (1617) -- 12. The teares of the mvses (1617) -- 13. Mviopotmos, or the fate of the bvtterfly (1617).
Editionnotes: | Contains also his Astrophel and elegies on the death of Sir Philip Sidney ascribed to the Countess of Pembroke, Lodowick Bryskett, Matthew Roydon, and others.
The following have special title pages, dated 1617: Prothalamion; Amoretti; Epithalamion; Foure hymnes; Daphnaida; Complaints; The teares of the muses; Muiopotmos, or, The fate of the butterfly.
Record Author: | Elena Galkina 06/22/2018
Record Source: | Catalog
Provenance Source: |
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