Title: | The Faerie Qveene : Disposed into XII. Bookes, Fashioning twelue Morall Vertues / [(by the Queen's) most humble seruant Edmund Spencer].
Repository: | U of California-Riverside Library
Shelfmark: | PR2350 1609
Published by: | H.L. [Humphrey Lownes]
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1609
Copynotes: | Copy bound with a large number of other texts, mostly with 1611 imprint dates. It lacks the collective title page seen in the Univ. of South Carolina copy: "The Faerie Qveene ; The Shepheards Calendar, Together With The Other Works of England's Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser, Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected.
Editionnotes: | Titles within woodcut border; head and tail pieces; initials; mostly printed in double columns. -- Part II of "The Fairy Queen" has extra t.p.:"The Second Part of the Faerie Qveene, Containing Fourth, The Fifth, & Sixt Booke / by Ed. Spenser. Imprinted at London for Mathew Lownes, 1609"--Imprint of the Shepherd's Calendar adds before the date 1611: "sold at the signe of the Bishops head in Paules Church-yard." -- Following the "Fairy Queen" both "A letter of the authors, expounding his whole intention ..." [dated 1589, 4p.] & "A vision vpon this conceit of the Faery Queene", starting with the poem "To the learned Shepheard" [10p.], are lacking. They are the last few double pages of the EEB online ed. [pp.186-193] which is based on Harvard's copy of "The Faerie Qveene."
Record Author: | Elena Galkina, 05/04/2018
Record Source: | Repository catalog
Provenance Source: |
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