Title: | The Works of that Famous English Poet, Mr. Edmond Spenser.
Repository: | Oxford U University College
Shelfmark: | YEH/SPE
Published by: | Henry Hills
Published for: | Jonathan Edwin
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1679
Copynotes: | Former shelf-marks: S.3; Z.19.5; B.220.18.
The binding is 17th sprinkled calf over boards sewn onto 5 supports with raised bands; pair of blind tooled fillets towards outer edges of boards and parallel to spine; gilt roll around edges of boards; marbled text-block edges; end bands worked in blue and white; repaired and rebacked.
Editionnotes: |
Record Author: | Elena Galkina, 04/30/2018
Record Source: |
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
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