Title: | The poetical works of Edmund Spenser.
Repository: | U of Rochester Rush Rhees Library
Shelfmark: | Rhees PR2350 .D78
Published by: | the Martins
Published for: |
Published Location: | Edinburg
Published date: | 1778
Copynotes: | Bound in tree calf.
Library has v.1-8.
v. 1-5. Faery queene
v. 6. Faery queene ; Colin Clout's come home again ; Virgil's gnat
v. 7. Shepherd's calendar ; Hymns ; Visions ; Prosopopoia ; Prothalamion ; Epithalamion ; Poems
v. 8. Amoretti, or sonnets ; Elegaic poems. Glossary.
Editionnotes: | "From the text of Mr. Upton, &c. With the life of the author."
"The text of the Faery Queen was printed from Mr. Upton's Quarto edition [of 1758] ... [the remainder of the poems] are printed from the text of Mr. Hughes"--Vol. 6, p. [186].
"Glossary" (v. 8, p. [209]-246) taken from the glossaries of Hughes and Upton.
With additional series title pages, engraved: "Bell's edition. The poets of Great Britain, complete from Chaucer to Churchill. ... Printed for John Bell ... London ... 1778."
Vol. 15-22 of Bell's Poets of Great Britain. cf. Carpenter, F.I. Spenser.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 8/6/09; Elena Galkina 04/16/2018
Record Source: | Repository catalog
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | URR_WKS_002
Collation Siglum: |