Title: | The Second Part of the Faerie Queene. Containing the Fovrth, Fifthe, and Sixth Bookes.
Repository: | Bodmer Library
Shelfmark: |
Published by: | Richard Field
Published for: | William Ponsonby
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1596
Copynotes: | Binding: Russia, by Lewis. Not a copy of STC 23082 in its entirety, as it contains only Books IV, V, and VI (the Second Part).
Editionnotes: | 4*; 520 p.; signatures: A-2I^5 2K^4.
Printer's name from STC.
Record Author: | Elena Galkina 03/19/2018
Record Source: | Patrick Cheney, pgc2@psu.edu
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |