Spenser Archive Finding Aid
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The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. In eight volumes. From the text of Mr. Upton, &c. With the life of the author. ?, 1778, PR2350 1778 t

Title: The poetical works of Edmund Spenser. In eight volumes. From the text of Mr. Upton, &c. With the life of the author. ?
Repository: Stanford U Libraries
Shelfmark: PR2350 1778 t
Published by: the Martins
Published for:
Published Location: Edinburgh: at the Apollo Press
Published date: 1778
Copynotes: In 8 volumes.
Editionnotes: Each volume is dated 1778; no volumes are dated 1788. Each volume does have an engraved title page, with “Bell’s Edition. The Poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill.” And, at bottom of engraved title page: “Printed for John Bell near Exeter Exchange Strand London … 1778.”
Record Author: Elena Galkina 07/15/2018
Record Source: Correspondence
Provenance Source:
Siglum: STU_WKS_002
Collation Siglum:

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