Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Editions -> Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds tale -> 1612

Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds tale. By Edm. Sp. Dedicated to the right Honourable, the Lady Compton and Mountegle, 1612, D672

Title: Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds tale. By Edm. Sp. Dedicated to the right Honourable, the Lady Compton and Mountegle
Repository: U of Kansas Spencer Research Library
Shelfmark: D672
Published by: H[umphrey] L[ownes]
Published for: Mathew Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1612
Copynotes: In their online catalog, KU classifies D672 as a copy of the 1617 Works. However, only two of the 7 constituent parts of the 1617 Works are present, so we have chosen not to classify it as a 1617 Works at all. "This edition that KU has does not include The Faerie Queene, Visions of the Worlds Vanitie, The Visions of Bellay and The Visions of Petrarch. It is not bound together. The parts that KU has have been rebound separately into 8 volumes." "Unfortunately, we cannot determine if the 1617 edition was ever complete or if the pieces that we have now were ever bound (the card catalogue indicates that the pieces are part of a whole, but this may very well be an assumption). However, we can determine that these 8 volumes were together in some capacity, either bound or unbound, because of a child's scribbles in two of the volumes which are very similar. The volumes are part of KU's P.S. O'Hegarty Collection, which means that the volumes were most likely obtained in Dublin" (Correspondence of Dr. Ingrid Horton, 7/15/10). Contents (via corrrespondence): Volume 1: The Teares of the Muses 1617 • Title page indicates 1617 • 1st page of Virgils Gnat is mostly missing and there is no title page • Ruines of Rome is missing first 10 and 1/2 sonnets • Dedication to Lady Strange Volume 2: Muiopotmos 1617 • Much of last page missing, but all of text, which is located on the first third of the page, is visible • Dedication to Lady Carey Volume 3: Complaints 1617 Ruines of Time • Dedication to Ladie Marie, Countess of Pembrooke • The Printer to the gentle Reader • Teares of the Muses, Virgils Gnat are in Volume 1 • Muiopotmos is in Volume 2 • Missing: Visions of the Worlds Vanitie, The Visions of Bellay and The Visions of Petrarch Volume 4: Daphnaida 1617 • Dedication to Lady Helena, Marquesse of North-hampton Volume 5: Foure Hymes 1617 • Dedication to Ladie Margaret and Lady Mary Volume 6: Prothalamion 1617 Amoretti and Epithalamion 1617 Epithalamion 1617 Volume 7: Colin Clouts come home againe- complete • Dedication to Raleigh • Astrophel Dedication to the Countess of Essex • The Mourning Muse of Thestylis • Pastorall Æglogue upon death of Philip Sidney • An Elegie, or Friends Passion • An Epitaph • An other of the same Volume 8: Prospopoia or Mother Hubbards Tale 1613 • Dedication to Lady Compton and Mountegle
Editionnotes: Edm. Sp. = Edmund Spenser. In verse. Printer’s name from STC. Running title reads: Mother Hubberds tale. Signatures: A⁸. Variant: imprint date is 1613. Intended to be issued with "The faerie queen", STC 23083.7-23085. Identified as part of STC 23085 on UMI microfilm reel 1365.
Record Author: NS 7/17/10
Record Source: catalog
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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