Title: | Calendarium pastorale, : sive æglogæ duodecim, totidem anni mensibus accommodatæ; / Anglice olim scriptæ ab Edmundo Spenser ... ; nunc autem eleganti Latino carmine donatæ a Theodoro Bathurst ... ; Johanne Ball, editore.
Repository: | Yale U Library
Shelfmark: | Ig Sp35 579Sg
Published by: | John Ball
Published for: |
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1732
Copynotes: | Added t.p. in English: The shepherd’s calendar, containing twelve æglogues, proportionable to the twelve months, by Edmund Spenser ... Published by John Ball. London: Printed by , in the year 1732.Will. Bowyer
Editionnotes: | Text and register continuous.
With an additional titlepage in English, and parallel Latin and English texts.
Reissued later (1735?) with a different title page (cf. N3052).
Bowyer’s records show 700 copies printed on demy, 60 on royal, and 4 on writing royal.
Record Author: | NS 6/22/10
Record Source: | catalog
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |