Title: | The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes, : fashioning twelue morall vertues.
Repository: | Boston Public Library
Shelfmark: | RARE BKS PR2358 .A1 1609x no. 1-12 no. 1
Published by: | H[umphrey]. L[ownes].
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1609
Copynotes: | Bound volume includes: 1. The faerie qveene, disposed into XII. bookes (1609) -- 2. The shepheards calender (1611) -- 3. Prosopopoia. or, Mother Hubberds tale (s.d.) -- 4. A letter of the avthors, expounding ... (s.d.) -- 5. Colin Clovts come home againe (s.d.) -- 6. Prothalamion or a spovsall verse (1617) -- 7. Amoretti and epithalamion (1617) -- 8. Epithalamion (1617) -- 9. Fovre hymnes (1617) -- 10. Daphnaida (1617) -- 11. Complaints containing svndry small poemes of the vvorlds vanitie (1617) -- 12. The teares of the mvses (1617) -- 13. Mviopotmos, or the fate of the bvtterfly (1617).
Boston Public Library (Rare Books Dept.) copy bound in 19th cent. full brown morocco, gilt by Zaehnsdorf; marbled end-papers.
Editionnotes: | Pt. 2 has special t.p.: The second part of the faerie qveene: containing the fovrth, fift, & sixt booke.
Printer's device on t.p.
Text in double columns.
Bound in two collations in signatures of 6: (1) The faerie queene; (2) the subsequent titles. The first is page numbered. Of the second, only The shepheards calender is numbered ([10], 56 p.).
Page 361 misnumbered 121.
Record Author: | NS 6/2/10; NS 6/11/11; Elena Galkina 06/22/2018
Record Source: | Catalog
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |