Title: | Amoretti and Epithalamion. Written not long since by Edmunde Spenser.
Repository: | Folger Shakespeare Library
Shelfmark: | STC 23076
Published by: | P. S[hort]
Published for: | William Ponsonbie
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1595
Copynotes: | Black goatskin binding with the Miller arms in gilt on both covers, housed in a drop-back box. Leaves [par.]1-4 supplied from another copy, with lower margins repaired; [par.]4 misbound before [par.]3. Pencilled MS. bibliographical note of Bernard Quaritch (F.S. Ferguson).
Editionnotes: | In verse.
Colophon reads "Imprinted by P.S. for William Ponsonby."; printer’s name from STC.
Signatures: A⁸(A1+[par.]⁴) B-H⁸.
Stationer’s Register: Entered 19 November 1594.
Record Author: | EJS
Record Source: | online catalogue (Hamnet); ESTC
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |