Title: | The works of that famous English poet Mr. Edmond Spenser: viz. The Faery queen, The shepherds calendar, The hisotry of Ireland; whereunto is added, an account of his life; with other new additions never before in print. |
Repository: | U of Alberta Library |
Shelfmark: | PR 2350 1678 |
Published by: | Henry Hills |
Published for: | Jonathan Edwin |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1679 |
Copynotes: | |
Editionnotes: | Most of the pieces have special t.p. dated 1678; "Prosopopoia" and "The shepherds calendar" also have separate paging.The editorship has been attributed, probably erroneously to Dryden. Cf. Johnson, F.R. A critical bibliography of the works of Edmund Spenser, 1933, 53-56. |
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 8/25/09 |
Record Source: | Repository catalog |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | |
Collation Siglum: |