Title: | Spenser's Faerie Queene with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical by John Upton. |
Repository: | Pennsylvania State U |
Shelfmark: | PR2358.A3U6 1758 v.2 |
Published by: | J. and R. Tonson |
Published for: | |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1758 |
Copynotes: | Bound with a letter concerning a new edition of Spenser's Faerie queene to Gilbert West, esq. / by John Upton. London : Printed for G. Hawkins, 1751.
Bound in brown leather; stamped in gold; alledges red. |
Editionnotes: | |
Record Author: | Cori Perdue 8/23/09; Checked by E. Rendek |
Record Source: | Email from Sandra Stelts |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | |
Collation Siglum: |