Title: | The Poetical Works of Edmund Spenser. In eight volumes. From the text of Mr. Upton etc. With the life of the author.
Repository: | U of Waterloo
Shelfmark: | UW Porter. Rare Book Room .A0031
Published by: | the Martins
Published for: | John Bell
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1787
Copynotes: | Bound with: The poetical works of Edmund Spenser in eight volumes from the text of Mr. Upton etc. with the life of the author. Vol. II. Publication information: Edinburg: at the Apollo Press, by the Martins. Anno 1778. These two volumes are bound together as Volume 8 in the set of the works of British poets.
Editionnotes: | Bell's Edition. The Poets of Great Britain complete from Chaucer to Churchill.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 8/6/09; Elena Galkina 04/16/2018
Record Source: | Repository catalog; correspondence
Provenance Source: |
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