Title: | A view of the state of Ireland: written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Ireneus/ by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland/by Edmund Campion...;Published by Sir James Ware. |
Repository: | U of Oklahoma Libraries |
Shelfmark: | 914.15 Sp35v |
Published by: | Society of Stationers |
Published for: | |
Published Location: | Dublin |
Published date: | 1633 |
Copynotes: | |
Editionnotes: | Title within ornamental border; Head-pieces.
Binder's title: Campion's history of Ireland. Hanmer's Chronicle. Marleburrough Chronicle. Spencer's state of Ireland.
"A view of the state of Ireland, by Edmund Spenser", bound at back of book; "Certane verses of Mr. Edm. Spenser's ... [8] p. at back of book.
With this is bound: The chronicle of Ireland, collected by Meredith Hanmer. Part 2.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 7/30/09 |
Record Source: | Repository catalog |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | |
Collation Siglum: |