Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Folio Parts -> Prosopopia or Mother Hubberds Tale

The Faerie qveen:The shepheards calendar; together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser; collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1611, Quarto 823Sp3 OFL

Title: The Faerie qveen:The shepheards calendar; together with the other works of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spenser; collected into one volume, and carefully corrected.
Repository: O. Meredith Wilson Library, U of Minnesota
Shelfmark: Quarto 823Sp3 OFL
Published by: H.L.
Published for: M. Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1611
Copynotes: Correspondence of 6/14/10, 6/17/10: Contents: Title page: The Faerie Queen: The Shepards Calendar: Together with the other works of England’s Arch(?)-Poet, Edm. Spenser Collected into one volume and carefully corrected. Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1611 Dedication page: To Queen Elizabeth Page 1-58 : The First Booke of the Faerie Queen: Containing the Legend of the Knight of the Red Crosse, or Of Holinesse – 4 stanzas Page 59-121: The Second Booke of the Faerie Queen: containing the legend of Sir Guyon, of Of Temperrance – 5 stanzas Page 123-186: The Third Booke of the Faerie Queene: Containing the legend of Britomartis, or Of Chastity – 5 stanzas Page 187- : The Second part of the Faerie Queene: Containing the Fovrth, fift, and sixt booke. By Edm. Spenser. Imprinted at London for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1613. Page 188 – blank Page 189 – 245: The Fovrth Booke of the Faierie Queene: Page 247 - 300: The Fift Booke Page 301 - : The Sixt Booke of the Faerie Queene Page 353: “Two cantos of mutability: which, both for forme and matter, appeare to be parcel of some following booke of the faerie queene, under the legend of constancie. Never (neuer) before imprinted.” Page 364: “16012. London, Printed by H.L. for Matthew Lownes. “ No pagination: The shepheards calendar: containing twelve aeglogves, proportionable to the twelve moneths. Entitvled, to the nobel and virtuous gentleman, most worth of all titles, both of learning and chivalrie, master Philip Sidney. At London, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes, and ar to be sold at the signe of the Bishops head in Paules Church-yard. 1611. Pagination begins with “Ianvarie” on 1 and ends on 56 “Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds Tale. By Edm. Sp. Dedicated to the right Honourable, the Lady Compton and Mountegle. At London, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. Anno Dom. 1613” Paginated 5-16 Colin Clovts Come Home Againe. By Edm. Spencer. At London, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. “To the Right Worthy and noble Knight, Sir Walter Raleigh, Captaine of her Maiefties Guard, Lord Wardein of the Stanneries, and Lieutenant of the Countie of Cornwall” “Astrophel. A Pastorall Elegie vpon the death of the moft noble and valorous knight, sir Philip Sidney. Dedicated to the most beautifull and virtuous Ladie, the counteffe of Effex.” “The mourning Mufe of Theftylis.” “A Paftorall Aeglogue vpon the death of Sir Philip Sidney, Knight, &c.” “An elegie, or friends passion, for his Aftrophell. Written vpon the death of the right Honourable Sir Phillip Sydney, Knight, Lord Gouernour of Flufhing.” “Prothalamion or a spovsall verse: made by Edmunde Spenser, In honour of the double marriage of the two Honourable and virtuous ladies, the Ladie Elizabeth, and the Ladie Katherine Somerfet; Daughters to the Right Honourable the Earle of Worcester: and sfpoufed to the two worthy Gentlemen, M. Henry Gilford, and M. William Peter, Efquires. At London Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1611.” “Amoretti and Epithalamion. Written by Edmunde Spenfer. At London Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1611” “Epithalamion. By Edmunde Spenfer. At London Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1611.” “Fovre Hymnes, made by Edmunde Spenfer. At London Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1611” (dedicatory letter) “To the right honovrable and moft virtuous Ladies, the Ladie Magaret, counteffe of Cumberland, and the lady Mary, Counteffe of Warwicke.” Dated September 1596 “Daphnaida. An elegie vpon the death of the nobele and virtuous Douglas Howard, daughter and heire of Henrie Lord Howard, Vifcount Byndon, and wife of Arthur Gorges, Efquire. Dedicated to the right honovrable the lady Helena, Marqueffe of North-hampton. By Edmunde Spenfer. At London Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1611” (dedicatory letter) “To the right honorable and virtuous Lady Helena, Marqueffe of North-hampton” Dated January 1591 “Complaints containing svndry small poems of the worlds vanitie. Whereof the next page following maketh mention. By Edmunde Spenfer. At London Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1611” “A note of the fundry Poemes contained in this volume. 1 The Ruines of Time. 2. The Teares of the Mufes. 3 Virgils Gnat. 4 The Ruines of Rome: by Bellay. 5 Muiopotmos, or the tale of the Butterflie. 6 Vifions of the Worlds vanity 7 Bellayes Vifions. 8 Petrarches Vifions “A letter of the Avthors, expounding his whole intention in the courfe of this work……” followed by a number of dedications. Our copy has: “Alle-”
Editionnotes: Most of the minor works have special title pages, and are unpaged.
Record Author: Cait Martinez 7/27/09; NS 6/17/10
Record Source: Repository catalog
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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