Title: | Spenser’s Faerie queene. A new edition with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical by John Upton ... In two volumes. ...
Repository: | U of St. Andrews Library
Shelfmark: | s PR2358.A2U9D58 Vol. 1-2
Published by: |
Published for: | J. and R. Tonson
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1758
Copynotes: | Pencil verse and sums in a 19th? century hand on back endpapers of vol. 1.
Bound in contemporary sprinkled calf, with all board edges tooled in gold; all edges of textblock sprinkled red; both volumes have been rebacked in the 20th century.
Condition notes:
Vol. 1: Corners rubbed and bending inwards; board edges rubbed; both boards rubbed with some tears to calf on lower board.
Vol. 2: Corners rubbed and bending inwards; rubbing to board edges; both boards rubbed, with some tears to the calf; light scratches on upper board.
Editionnotes: | Dedication to Lady Talbot from John Upton on p. [iii]
Addenda & Corrigenda p. 666-672.
Glossary in vol. 1, leaves *a1-*f4.
Index of authors p. 672-673.
Record Author: | Nathan Sasser 7/21/09; Elena Galkina 05/18/2018
Record Source: | Library Catalogue; ESTC; correspondence
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |