Title: | The faerie queene: disposed into XII. bookes, fashioning twelve morall vertues.
Repository: | U of London Library
Shelfmark: | [D.-L.L.] (XVII) Bc [Spenser] fol. SR
Published by: | H.L.
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1609
Copynotes: | ULL copy is bound in early 17th-century calf with the arms of James I stamped in gold on centre of each side. Binding described in University of London, Historical and armorial bookbindings
Editionnotes: | The second part has a separate t.p. reading: The second part of The faerie queene : containing the fourth, fift, and sixt booke / by Ed. Spenser.
Head- and tail-pieces.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 7/20/09; Elena Galkina 04/13/2018
Record Source: | Repository catalog; correspondence
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |