Title: | The faerie queen; The shepheards calendar: together with the other works/ of England's arch-poet, Edm. Spencer; collected into one volume, and carefully corrected.
Repository: | Victoria and Albert Museum National Art Library
Shelfmark: | 42.V.1
Published by: | H.L.
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1611
Copynotes: | Correspondence of 04/30/2018:
Bound in maroon leather binding with gold tooling on spine.
Condition: Tears, creases and staining mainly to first and last few pages. Back cover slightly abraded.
Correspondence of 6/8/10:
The copy at 42.V.1 is as follows and in the following order:
Title-page dated 1611. Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes.
First part of the Faerie Queen (bks 1-3). No colophon. Printing of
Young Knight on B3r
Second part of the Faerie Queen. Dated 1613 Misprint on colophon of
The Shepheards Calendar t.p. 1611
Mother Hubberds tale . 1613
Colin Clouts come home againe. Undated t.p. immediately followed by the
dedication to Sir Walter Raleigh, on which there is nothing to identify
the date (no Alle- or Allego). [Since this copy seems to fall in Johnson's Group III, I conjecture that Letter to Raleigh is first printing--NS 6/8/10]
Prothalamion, Amoretti and Epithalamion, Epithalamion, Foure hymnes,
Complaints, Muiopotmos or the Fate of the butterfly all 1611.
Editionnotes: | Title within woodcut border; head and tail pieces; initials; printed in double columns.
Colophon, sig. 2H5v: 16012 [sic.] London, Printed by H.L. for Matthew Lownes.
Most of the minor works have separate title pages, and are unpaged.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 7/8/09; NS 6/8/10; EG 04/30/2018
Record Source: | Repository catalog; correspondence
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |