Title: | The shepheardes calender. : Conteining twelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entituled, to the noble and vertuous gentleman most worthie of all titles, both of learning and chiualry, Maister Philip Sidney
Repository: | Ohio State U Libraries
Shelfmark: | PR2350 1591
Published by: | Iohn Windet
Published for: | Iohn Harrison the yonger
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1591
Copynotes: | OSU's copy 1 imperfect: t.p. missing
OSU's copy 1: Information relating to the provenance or history of the item available in Rare Books and Manuscripts Library
Editionnotes: | "To his booke" signed: Immeritò, i.e. Edmund Spenser
Partly in verse
Imprint from colophon
Signatures: *⁴ A-N⁴
Record Author: | Nathan Sasser 7/8/09
Record Source: | Catalogue
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |