Title: | The Faerie Queen : the shepheard’s calendar, together with the other works of England’s Arch-poët / Edm. Spencer... |
Repository: | U of Vermont Library |
Shelfmark: | TR (c. 1) |
Published by: | H.L. |
Published for: | Mathew Lownes |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1617 |
Copynotes: | Full shelfmark:
Spenser, Edmund.
The Fairie Queen...
London, 1617.
Previous call number: TR F
Sections 1-2: T.P., Dedication, Books 1-3
• T.P.: 1617:
• No blank leaf
• First Book, pages 1-7 and 10 follows t.p.
• Dedication follows p. 10
• P. 9, 10, 11, etc. follow dedication
Section 3, Second Part, Books 4-6
• T.P. 1613
• Colophon on verso of p. 363, followed by a blank leaf
Section 7: Colin Clouts and the rest of the minor poems
• T.P. of Clouts: no date
• T.P. of minor poems: 1617
Section 5, The Shepheard’s Calendar
• T.P.: 1617
Section 6: Prosopopoia
• T.P.: 1612
Section 4: letter to Raleigh, etc.
• First three lines break as Johnson indicates for second printing
Editionnotes: | In verse.
Printer’s name from STC.
The colophon is dated "16012" [sic].
The second part has separate title page dated 1612; pagination and register are continuous. Variant: this title page dated 1613.
The last leaf is blank.
A reissue of STC 23084, with cancel general title page and dedication.
Signatures: A⁶(-A1+pi²) B-P⁶ Q⁴ R-2H⁶.
Issued with STC 23086.7, 23094, 23077.7, and 23087. Some copies have STC 23087.5 in place of the last. |
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 7/1/09; NS 6/28/10 |
Record Source: | Repository catalog |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | |
Collation Siglum: |