Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Folio Parts -> Faerie Queene (second part)

The faerie queen : The shepheards calendar : together with the other works of England's arch-poët / Edm. Spenser ; collected into one volume, and carefully corrected, 1617, PR2350 1617

Title: The faerie queen : The shepheards calendar : together with the other works of England's arch-poët / Edm. Spenser ; collected into one volume, and carefully corrected
Repository: Kelvin Smith Library, Case Western Reserve U
Shelfmark: PR2350 1617
Published by: H[umphrey]. L[ownes].
Published for: Mathew Lownes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1617
Copynotes: [4], 363, [11, 56, [18], 16, [138] p. ; 30 cm Each part has special t.p 2 v. ; 26 cm Correspondence of 6/16/10: Gen. t.p.: 1617 Pt. 1 FQ: I do not see a colophon. Page B3f ** Young Knight ** Pt. 2 FQ: Title page - 1613; colophon - 16012 SC: Title page - 1617 CCCHA: Poems that follow have separate Title pages: all have 1617 Letter to Raleigh: Allego- [1617] Prosopopoia: 1613 Listed as bound in our book Faerie Queen Pt. 1 - 1617 Faerie Queen Pt. 2 - Title Page - 1613 Colophon - 16012 Calendar - 1617 Letter to Raleigh and dedicatory sonnets - 1617 Prosopopoia - 1613 Colin Clouts Come Home Again (no print date) The mourning Muse of Thestylis A Pastorall AEglogue upon the death of Sir Philip Sidney An elegie, or friends passion, for his Astrophell An Epitaph upon the right Honourable Sir Philip Sidney Prothalamion - 1617 Amoretti & Epithalamion - 1617 Foure Hymnes - 1617 Daphnaida - 1617 Complaints -1617 The Ruines of Time The Teares of the Muses Virgils Gnat Muiopotmos Visions of the Worlds vanity Bellayer Visions Petrarches Visions Binding: it is bound in full leather, blind tooled in Cambridge panel pattern, outer parts of panels are sprinkled. Condition: very good, both binding and text.
Record Author: Cori Perdue 6/29/09; NS 6/16/10; EG 07/04/2018
Record Source: Email from N. Sue Hanson and William Claspy
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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