Spenser Archive Finding Aid
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The works of that famous english poet Mr. Edmond Spenser, 1679, Smathers 821.3S748, 1679 Oversize

Title: The works of that famous english poet Mr. Edmond Spenser
Repository: U of Florida Libraries
Shelfmark: Smathers 821.3S748, 1679 Oversize
Published by: Henry Hills
Published for: Jonathan Edwin
Published Location: London
Published date: 1679
Copynotes: 5 p.l., 339, 16, 8-258 (i.e. 254). 269-291. 1 p. 33 x 21 cm.
Record Author: Cait Martinez 6/24/09
Record Source: Repository Catalog
Provenance Source:
Collation Siglum:

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